Is it worth trying to fix the relationship or just go our seperate ways

CANDY - Apr 27 2013 at 09:19
Well my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. He proposed after a year. We still have not got married. All I do is clean do laundry and work. All I ask him for is to spend time with me and to show me some affection other than when we are in the bed. He says I bitch to much. We have no.communication at all. He lays down the rules and that's it. We do live together and have for almost two years. I have nothin in the house but my clothes. I have no say so no nothin. He goes to the race every saturday and I work and go home. I really love him though. I just dnt knw what to do. I have asked and asked him to treat me different. But he acts like it just me. Like he dnt do.that stuff. He says that's just how he is. I just don't know. Please help!!!
Dear Candy.
I think the question I would like to ask you is, if you want to be with someone like your boyfriend for the rest of your life?
wants wrong
If you are unhappy with the relationship, you need to clearly communicate that with him. If he is still unwilling to change or at least try to change, you need to find someone who will treat you better and will appreciate what you do for him. Maybe for him to change, he needs to realize what he could possibly lose?