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Females I need help

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I am a boy and I need some advice what is it that girls really what in a guy and please no inappropriate stuff thanks but what is it that girls what in a guy please tell me than you

Females I need help

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Girls really want a guy that's confident when he talk to her. Nice.. Offers to buy her things or take her out on a date, and funny. Make her laugh. Also, most girls like it when the guy is spontaneous and do things randomly for her out of no where.

Females I need help

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I girl wants someone who will support them in what they want in life and in return their willing to do the same. Stay away from pet peves ,women hate it when their crossed! Shower often not every other week. Try to look at things in the women's stilettos! We try to see from a guys point of view, never hurts for you to do the same. Don't worry about what to do on dates, if she enjoys being in your company, it doesn't matter what your doing, she's happy :) back rubs are a big plus! Never forget that lol don't lie or cheat always be honest, we have our ways of finding out if your telling the truth. Me always say women are hard to please, sorry men we're not, I promise, it just takes the right man. And always always be your self, that's what's most attractive!

Females I need help

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well its simple....girls want an honest guy that can make her feel special ANYTIME..he doesnt have to be the best looking person around as long as he shows confidence in himself, being a gentleman is also a plus :)

Females I need help

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I'm not sure how old you are, but I can tell you that as an adult a woman wants a guy that takes responsibility. One with real goals in his life that isn't afraid to reach out and obtain them. If you are in a living situation together she does not want to have to be your mother and clean up after you or have to nag you to do it, and if you are together for a long period of time she still wants you to take a romantic interest in her as a person and not just a sexual interest in her body parts. She also wants someone to accepts and supports the things that she is passionate about.

Females I need help

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confidence definitely but also someone who listens and actually takes an interest in your life. Not someone really self centered. Also, not too much deodorant, it can be really overpowering but please shower.

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