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What should I do.... need advice

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My boyfriend has skin problem for 3 years. He did not tell me this before we start the relationship. I found it myself one day and ask him about it. He said the skin problem started 1 year before he know me and he has been applying some cream all the while. I thought I can accept it as I feel happy when we are together. I hope it will slowly recover. Recently, we bought a house and plan to ROM end this year. One day I found that I will feel uncomfortable when intimate with him because of skin disease. I will think about it and ask him when will it recover. But it seems like it recover very slowly. I worry that this disease is heritable. I did not disclose this problem to anyone. I am very confused and lost. I keep thinking whether I should continue the relationship.

What should I do.... need advice

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Well I guess it depends on the severity of the issue.. if it really does bother you as badly as you are expressing it to, the you need to have a conversation with him and maybe encourage to go see a different doctor who can give a better diagnosis and a different medication hat might work better. Also with finding a different doctor, you could ask if the skin disease is heritable.

What should I do.... need advice

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Pls im really in love with a lady we ve been friends for sometime now.after proposing to her she has not been replying my texts and picking my calls.pls wat can dat mean?

What should I do.... need advice

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When did you first notice his skin problem? How old is your BF? Since the condition started one year before he met you, what's his understanding as to how he contracted it? He should seek a second opinion with a dermatologist that specializes in skin disease, you should go with him to get all of your questions answered. Become fully inform about his diagnosis and prognosis . Maybe there are other medications that may be more effective. What's the name of this skin, maybe the internet will give you some insight on this skin disease. Is there a more aggressive treatment than this cream he's using? You'v invested in a home with this guy, were there any future plans to get married? You should not make any drastic decisions until you have clear understanding of what's he's dealing with.

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