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Almost no sex life with partner

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My partner and I live together and our relationship is mostly wonderful. However, we both seem to have lost our confidence when it comes to sex. I used to be very sexually confident but now I'm scared to initiate anything out of fear of being rejected. Apparently my partner feels the same way. We have talked about it over and over again and we both try hard to get things going again but nothing ever changes. Its starting to make me feel like we aren't close anymore and that we will start to lose our connection. What positive steps can I take to help us move forward and have a healthy sex life?

Almost no sex life with partner

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I am currently experiencing the same thing. It's been over 5 months since we have been intimate and even then I was not feeling that we had a connection. Part of this I understand is due to illness my partner is enduring. So the compassionate me puts no pressure on having sex. What I don't understand is why there is no intimacy at all. No kisses, no touching, no fondling, absolutely nothing. Yeah he holds me while I'm sleeping but it's just not enough. I've been rejected so much I'm starting to lose interest in intimacy with him all together and just let the relationship be more of a companionship because we get along fine. My mental state of mind however is suffering because I'm human and I can't turn off my needs because he has none. Toys, porn, masturbation is a quick but lonely temporary solution. I love him but I feel I need to get some help for myself because I can't see that a sex-less relationship is okay.

Almost no sex life with partner

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Plan, plan, plan a sexy night: Discuss place, time, include a couples porn CD if ok with both (hot couples having yummy sex in beautiful scenes in nature) or just favorite foods, candles, champagne, music, etc. Humans meant for sexual intimacy!!

Almost no sex life with partner

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I am in the same situation & we have discussed it several times over the course of our relationship. I have tried several times to plan erotic/loving nights, couples councilling, asked (pleaded) what can we do to re-ignite our sex life. It is coming up to a significant wedding anniversary in the next week...the last significant one I took her to Paris on a whim...we agreed that she would "surprise" me for the next one...we are exchanging cards & sitting in for a meal in otherwards NOTHING! We have young children if it wasn't for that I would be long gone. I have a female friend in the same situation & we are attracted to eachother. I feel that I will eventually betray my wife, not out of apathy or distain but out of pure sexual frustration & rejection. I always used to look down on people who had affairs but now....

Almost no sex life with partner

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I am having a similar problem. no intimacy. I mean i stop him in the hall and ask for a kiss I get one but with noI reenthusiasm. I feel like when we do have sex svery couple months its just to make me feel better but even then I can tell he is not really enjoying it and frankly neither am I. who would enjoy pity sex? he says he is just depressed and that it has nothing to do with me. he sayz he just has no interest. however, he is constantly watching porn on his makes me feel like crap. if he has no interest why would he be watching porn? I just dont get it. im no supermodel but I am an attractive woman. we have been together 2 yrs and our sex was mind blowingly passionate for the first 7 mos or so and has just gone downhill since. I love him and everything else in the relationship works but there is no passion. I am only 24 and I keep thinking can i really live like this for the rest of my life?

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