Yes or no?
ALBINO27 - Dec 12 2007 at 16:53
I Snapped my acl in my left knee then my right knee. i had my acl in my left knee reconstucted but a month after was involved on a bad car accident. my right leg got broke several time. i have a pin in my femur to hold it together and a tibia platter where my shin was shattered. my leg is about 1 or 2cm shorter now and its very unconfortable when i walk. this all happened in march to april. since then lots of people have said why dont you claim diability? would i be classed as disabled? i dont want to ask my physio or consultant?
i think u should ask to ur phisio.God will grace ur life soon.
I think you have a very good case to get DLA. Why don't you want to ask your physio or consultant? If your injuries are as serious as you say they are, then it is clear cut to me. You obviously need care in your day to day life. What you could do is see if there is an online q&a on the government's disability website. You may even be able to email a specific question to them. How did you snap the acl in your left knee? Was it an accident? If so, depending on the situation, you may have a case for compensation. Again, was the car accident you were in your fault? If not, and you suffered these injuries as a result, again, you may have claim for compensation. All of this could actually help your case for DLA. Try applying. They can only say yes or no - and I think they would say yes to you.
Try and apply. Good luck.
yes they are right only doctor can answer this questions