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Pregnant and terrified

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I found out I'm pregnant a week ago. (about 5 weeks along) I'm 27. I'm not a child. Still, I was NOT AT ALL intending to get pregnant at this point in my life. Long story short, I slept with my ex. He is 31 years old, and still insists on using the PULL OUT method. I thought he was going to use a condom, since we had some. The room was dark...couldn't really see what he was doing. When he told me that he had already climaxed, I flipped out!! He has attended medical school, and reassured me that I was fine. Well, obviously, I'm not fine. The problem is this: A: This has happened TWICE before. The first time I miscarried. The second time, we terminated the pregnancy, (which is a very sad experience.) And now, I'm at a crossroads. I don't want to have a child, but don't know if I have it in me to have another abortion. Since I miscarried before, I don't know the chances of miscarrying again. It sounds terrible, but I kind of wish I would. Because, B: I no longer speak to my Ex. He has no idea that I'm pregnant. We are done with each other. He's an abusive, possessive person, and I've finally been able to walk away. I finally want to move on with my life. Do I have the right to keep this from him? What can I do? What should I do?

Pregnant and terrified

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Oh Honey your in a pickle! I say he has the right to know just because he is the father and you once did have feelings for this person. In my opinion I think if you can't deal with another abortion or you can't imagine yourself having a kid at this time why not adopt? Just think you can give a couple a gift because they might not be able to have kids. I really think you should let him know because he deserves to know maybe yall can work things out and please take adoption into consideration!! Let me know how everything is.

Pregnant and terrified

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First he has the right to know. If you are not ready for the baby then adopt the baby out or give him full custody. Do not get a Abortion that is a living human begin inside you. Look it up and see everything he is doing at 5 weeks already. You need to call him and tell him so that he is aware. You are hurting your body by getting a abortion so try to look at other options.

Pregnant and terrified

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Hi I'm very open minded I love children, I have one myself, I too have put myself at Risk from being pregnant, with a man of just 23 who I would not want as a farther, he would not want it too, this was irresponsible I know Thankfully I did not get pregnant I do not quite know what I would have done either! Suffering grief and depression us no excuse. Please speak to your doctor who may refer you to the tight person Sometimes being a parent is not right for us, you may cause yourself emotional damage either way, if you gave an abortion, keep the baby, or adopt the baby to new parents You are in a very vulnerable situation I want you to consider all option Please take care Remember you are the most important here right now!! Angel cake

Pregnant and terrified

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Hello all. I'm the one who posted this thread nearly 2 years ago. Just to let everyone know, I got past the depression and fear and went on to have my son. He's a beautiful 15 month old and I love him so much. Thank you for taking the time to send me encouragement. <3

Pregnant and terrified

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Hi Dubluv, I appreciate hearing the update and your good news. I wasn't reading this site when you started your thread and I don't know what I might have said to you if I was. So if you're still available, I'd like to ask if you are willing to tell us what particular advice/encouragement was helpful to you (from here or elsewhere) and how would you advise and encourage others who find themselves in a similar position? Thanks for letting us know you're doing better. Congratulations.

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