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Spouse will not approve a re-finance of house that will save 3K a month in interest cost. Consolidate credit cards, LOC and 1st mortgage to one payment. From $5500 per month to $2300 per month paying off the exact same debt amount. Even if the credit cards are closed will not sign on approved loan. The relationship is not good and divorce is in the air and this is just insanity. This is enough to drive me out of the home. No actions seem to change the mind. Debt was from kids private school and unemployment for about 18 months. The key driver to making these changes is to start seriously saving for retirement. At age 50 with minimal in savings need to find ways to save money. At current rate the cards will never get paid. Used 401k to pay as much as possible. In retrospect understand this was a mistake. If the spouse of 25 years will not agree for whatever reason I say it is time to go. Sell the house and pack my bags. Anyone hav other options of consolidating credit card debt? C


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Money ruins many relationships but think clearly is he your soul mate and about the money try over time or try getting a raise sell some the things you don need on ebay or have a garage sale

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