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Wife cheating or not....

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My wife told me she was attracted to a 22 yr old studdly man, a friend of my son's. We came home drunk on a Saturday night to a party our adult kids were having and this 22 yr old was there seriously flirting with my wife and she Loved it. We go upstairs to bed and my wife informs me she is going back down to the kids party. After a 1/2hr goes by, I look out of the upstairs window and see my wife and him sitting VERY close to each other on a swing. I go back to bed and find out my wife never came to bed that night, she stayed up all night with him to 'talk', I think a lot more happened...They both looked very happy sitting around our kitchen table at 6am. Who would you believe??

Wife cheating or not....

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I think that she has definitely thought about it with him, and possibly had interactions with him, but it would be very hard if it was the first time and if your wife is committed to you and happy with you. Especially when it's your son's friend, and it would have been at a public party where there is always eyes. I think you should have said something and maybe she was just trying to get a reaction out of you. But I think it is VERY probable she and the man had inappropriate interactions but more than likely not "all the way".

Wife cheating or not....

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I think your wife did more that night too. But don't jump into conclusions yet keep watching her and soon the truth will come out

Wife cheating or not....

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Hi, I am 34, recently cheated on my husband and slept with a 20 year old, I know I am attracted to younger men, although 20 was too young admittedly, I was told he was 24... Your wife appears excited by the idea and flirtation with this man of 22.. For me it is the escapism I can not say she did or did not, it seems as if she may want to, maybe she will talk to you, u admitted to my husband before the incident that I wanted to sleep with other men. Good luck angel cake

Wife cheating or not....

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I think your wife is lacking excitement in her life and looking for a younger man to show it to her sad to say. Maybe you should spice up your relationship more. . Do something yall have never done. Cook her dinner, go sky diving, take her to her favorite movie, out to dance you know something to make her laugh and feel loved. Also get yourself a new outfit that makes you look sexy and cologne to smell yummy. Also don't tell her where yall are going make it a surprise.

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