Getting over my girlfriend's past

MAH88 - Jul 1 2013 at 15:57
I've been going with my girlfriend for nearly 6 months now and I'm absolutely crazy about her. She feels the same about me. It was all so perfect until a few days ago, I decided to ask about her past sexual partners. She had mentioned near the start she had been with other guys before, but didn't specify. Anyway, I asked her how many so she told me she'd slept with over 30, many times when she was drunk. She told me it was her way of dealing with a bad relationship she had had before and as a result, she didn't care about guys' feelings and just wanted to have fun. So I said it was fine when she first told me, but a couple of days later, it's come back to haunt me and it's really bugging me. I've seen her old facebook pics when she looks a bit less...conservative so I can really picture her with loads of guys which is horrible. She told me she's not like that and only wants me. I believe her, but for some reason, her past really bugs me and I told her things. Maybe it's cos she was my first so it's more shocking for me. We both just hope I can get past it cos we're crazy about each other and can't imagine being with anyone else. Maybe it's because she seems so perfect for me - we have lots in common and get on so well, it's hard to imagine her as a different person. What can I do to overcome this difficult patch? Many thanks.
You need to remember that you are dating her now not her then, You dont need to picture who she was just who she is now. Yes the past is a huge part of who she is now but you gotta remember she isnt out there sleeping around anymore, she is with you and only you. If that isnt a ego boost I dont know what is. Hope this helps
Thanks, that is so true and I know that. I just tend to obsess and worry over things - I always have. I felt a bit better when I told her about some bad stuff I did in my past though. Maybe I'm afraid I'll lose her cos I don't like my body and I'm a bit insecure. Though she says she loves me for who I am and my body. Hopefully this problem will be behind now cos I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
I totally get how you feel and am currently in a similar situation. My boyfriend told me his ex was a stripper and I laughed it off thinking it happened when he was early 20's but I was wrong, it was when he was 50 and I thought....eew. It now makes me question his judgment about women. I am conservative and when he told me, felt like it was a deal breaker, but I've stayed with him. BUT, I obsess over it and continue to obsess 2 years later. I just don't know why I let it eat at me
When people say "they are with you now so don't worry about their past"....I don't buy it. I think it says something about their moral character.
If he wouldn't have bragged about her, told me how hot she was, how they stayed in touch off and on over the years. I've let it play into my self esteem.
I guess I'm saying, I've had a hard time with it. I wish you luck.
All I know is that I have kept our relationship at a distance because I have a hard time dealing with it.
my current boyfriend knows 2 of my previous boyfriends and so far there's never been any issues, (we hang with the same crowd), -That would bother some people.
I have learn the hard way that the past will haunt u but u have to realize women and men deal with their problems differently put the shoe on the other foot if it was u u would get credit for it and cheered on as a player while us women get called sluts so every body got a past so my advice to u is she fondly found her prince she just had to kiss a lot of frogs B4 u a women don't like to sleep around she just don't like to b along every women deals with things differently so let the past b the past she's in your life for a reason.
LADYLUV35 just said it so right! amen!