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Pls help with my troubled past thoughts

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Hello, I am married woman with a good family life. I had a troubled past where i was put through mental harrassment from my mother in law. My husband didnt stand for me . Now my mother in laws behaviour has completely changed since she got her younger son's married. She is very sweet and loving towards his wife. She has equally become good towards me. I dwell on the past and recover all painful memories. I have confronted my Mother in law recently and she apologised me but didnt take the full responsibility . My husband has also apologised to me. My problem is that i am not able to focus on my present life. I tend to go in past events and start cribing about them and confronting about each and every event that has hurt me. I also feel jealous about my husband's brother's life that they didnt have to go through all that pain and depression which i had to go through. When i ask my husband , he simply says that he was helpless and weak so he couldnt stand and it was our destiny. I tend to create frustration about the past. The thoughts are obsessive and takes a big toll of my emotional health. I feel trapped in my own mind prison. I have starting comparing my husband with his brother that how strong he was to stand for his own wife. My mother in law also admitted that she is scared of my husband's brother's temper . so i feel that it is the reason why she is sweet with his wife. My husband is kind a obedient person who would never hurt his parents though he acknowledges my pain. Pls help me , how should i deal with my past and concentrate in present. Thanks

Pls help with my troubled past thoughts

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It's not ok what they did an just try to start things new maybe don't trust them. You just need to relax and do other thing you husband you need to have a serious talk

Pls help with my troubled past thoughts

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I agreed with Bee2 you rally need to speak with your husband and find out his weakness, if the problem doesn't solve seek counseling and you need to be open and honest with him .

Pls help with my troubled past thoughts

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if currently you are completely satisfied and happy with your life, then theres no need to rake up past issues, if now your husb and mother in law are supportive and caring and if you dont have any complaints then why to stick to those old topics which are already over. i can understand that those difficult times will remain in your mind but let them remain in a small corner of your mind and dont allow them to spoil your present life which you say is sailing smoothly. there afre many thousands and lakhs of people in this world like you and me who have gone through rough patches and later lived a better life, so what you are going thru is not uncommon, what i mean is enjoy the present you are going thru and leave the bad past behind and yes from your words i understand one thing that it seems that your husb position is weaker in comparision to his brother, i may be wrong but if its so, you need to help him work on this problem of his slowly and tactfully, to raise his position . in short if you can get my words, 1) a person can win only if he knows more than others.2) to win one needs to overcome fear. 3) respect in society can be achieved only due to experience.. anyway if this problem of your husb position being weaker doesnot exist, then leave this aside, then you dont need any further advise, just go with the happy moments of your life, bye. my webplace

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