I just don't know what else to do...

KIRACRIMES - Jul 8 2013 at 11:20
So... I'm 24, I've been with the same guy for over 2 years... We fell in love fast, moved states away because we both dreamed of moving to the same place, I had a hefty enough settlement that I could've easily used to get an apartment and car, which would've made it easier for us to find jobs, get settled and basically enjoy ourselves. Long story short, the settlement was spent on bull(my brother stole 25% some of which I got back but that's another story) the rest was spent on food, cigarettes, legal smoke video games and all kinds of things that don't last or doesn't help much but to entertain... After my brother did what he did to me I was not in my right mind, couldn't think straight enough meanwhile my boyfriend is convincing me to buy things I really don't want or need... Anyway after we moved I was able to afford a room for rent for three months, but was tapped out afterwards. We got kicked out, we were homeless for three months. A family invited us to stay with them while I babysat and cleaned, my boyfriend did almost nothing until the family got annoyed by his laziness... We eventually got kicked out of there too, and we were homeless for another 3 months. I got in touch with my dad and since then we've stayed in a toolshed. My boyfriend completely lacks motivation and very rarely ever finds the odd job to do, he won't even think about finding steady work for a second. I have so much anger directed towards him now. I had more than enough money that we could have still been sitting in an apartment comfortably TODAY, and he just doesn't seem to give a shit. He doesn't appreciate anything I do for him, when I clean, he's pissed off because he can't find something I put away, if I don't clean the room is a mess and he's mad about that too. Everyone makes comments about how he talks to me and treats me... Sometimes I want to break up but we live miles away from his family... And if I ask if he just wants to go home he'll say "no, I'll just go to another really nice part of this state that you've always wanted to see by myself". As if I actually WANT to stay where we're at, a toolshed in a run down neighborhood. If its so easy to go somewhere like that, why didn't we just do it? I want so badly just to have my own place and be ready to do anything I want to in my life and I've been held back way too long. We just started doing webcam modeling together to save money so we can finally move, it would help and I'm fine with doing it, but even then he complains about how I go about it and things I say, and generally just makes it a big pain in the ass for me. I have a feeling that no matter what we do together his attitude will never change, I will always be the one working WAY harder and he's going to make me spend money how HE sees fit because it's the only way I can get him to shut up and stop annoying me about what he wants. Is there anyway I can possibly make this work? I wish there was, but I'm at the end of my rope... Idk how to properly break up with someone, part of me still doesn't want to... In any case if I did I know he would find some way to gain back control of the situation... So what do I do, short of killing him and faking my death?
become an hero
break up with him you dumb bitch, do webcame modeling by yourself or get you\\\'re life in order.
If you stay with him you\\\'re a fucking retard.
This is the most honest advice you will fucking get. If you don\\\'t follow or like it too fucking bad.
I took the time to read your shit and type this so you may as well fucking listen.
What anon says. Get over it and don't be a retard.