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Why do I lie, and how can I stop?

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I risk losing my partner due to the fact that i lie alot. The lies i tell arent that bad, its just the constant lies puts doubts in my parnters head to the point where she doesnt know what is fact or fiction. I dont mean to set out to lie, but i feel if i dont get some help soon i will lose my current partner (if i havent already) and will have futher problems. This is the first time ive admitted i have a problem, and i want to overcome it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Why do I lie, and how can I stop?

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This is a huge problem. Congratulations that you're having the guts to do something about it. You need to immediately see someone about this and speak openly with your partner. Trust me you have nothing to lose. Lying is usually a sympton of a total lack of trust in yourself.

Why do I lie, and how can I stop?

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my other half lies 2 and now i dont believe a word he says sumtimes its little lies then its lies 2 cover up things hes done and my gut instinct tells me hes lying and he usually is its ruining us he,ll tell me its all in my mind and guess wot he was lying again i don.t think he knows how 2 stop now little white lies r ok but they get bigger and dont forget u have to ave a good memory 2 b a good liar and mine hasent thats y i catch him out .

Why do I lie, and how can I stop?

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Pathological lying...otherwise known as Myothmania can be caused by various personality disorders that do require long term psychotherapy in order to be treated properly. This does NOT mean you're simply have something that needs treated. I'll add my congratuations to you as well for having the gut wrenching strength to stand up and admit to the problem. Admitting and accepting is half your the work comes to help yourself. Start at your doctor's office....ask for his/her help in finding proper treatment. There are tons of organizations worldwide (some cheap or no cost if finances are an issue). Google search for support groups and message boards for people in your position....their help will be invaluable. Just don't stop here, you're on your way to a much more peaceful exsistance if you follow through. You can do this! Much luck :)

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