Relationship with my friend's husband

STASIA - Jul 9 2013 at 21:59
I've got a friend, we've known each other for about 7 years. (we are 25) She's married and has a year-old son. We were quite close, so she confessed me that her marriage was rather a good choice than love. She's happy that she has a child and doesn't have to work, and this can be a good price for life with her 'dull' husband. Several months ago i got a call from her husband who asked for advice, he wanted to divorce cause he couldn't stand such indifference towards him in his own family and lots of other things about their life. I did my best and talked him out of it. They made up, but the situation repeated several times. Two months later we ended up with him in bed. Our relationships continued for 3 months. Now everything is over. I fell in love with him. I feel so guilty for all this. But i desperately want him back.
My question is, did you know him first or her? If you knew him first and she was introduced than maybe it was something there all along and you guys didn't know it. But...if you knew her first and he was introduced then that's wrong Dear. Don't get mixed up in this love triangle. If he talks about divorce and you guys lay up then maybe that's his way of asking for sex outside of his marriage for which it certainly seems like. I think you deserve someone of your own with not such a difficult circumstance. Ask you want him back for the sex...or the kindness, honesty, loving, and respect he gives to you. I really hope this helps!
Even though your friend said that she didn't marry for love,I think that you being her friend should have never had an affair with him.She could have told you that she didn't love him,out of boredom in the relationship.If he really wanted to divorce her and if she really didn't love him,then they would have done it.Please also take into consideration that they have a child.I don't think that you would want to come out as being the reason for breaking that babys family.You should rather stay away from him and if he loves you he will come to you and not just for intimacy.By keeping in touch with him often,you are the only one that is going to get hurt in the end.