In love with guy who has slept with 5 different girls since we got together. Desperate need of advice

ROSIELONDRES - Jul 16 2013 at 03:10
Hi guys, I've never used online as a way to get advice before but i recently learned from my ex boyfriend that he had cheated on me 3 times when we were together (we broke up last august) then started getting back together in january and he has also slept with another two girls since then. He tells me that he loves me and i am perfect but has a problem with self esteem and acts like a spoiled child. He said that if someone walked up to him and said i think you are amazing i want to have sex, he would do it. i am totally and utterly mortified. although the sex is a big part it is keeping the lies for 2 years that i cannot bear. i don't know how to remain positive and i recently lost my regular job so i have a lot of time on my hands and expensive rent to pay. I am thinking about just cutting him off completely, i am in total shock or i just want to leave the country but i worry that without my comforts i will fall apart. i am young and still desperately in love with him and have also been with one other person since january. PLEASE HELP ME ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED Rosie xxx
Hello Rosie,
I think you should leave this guy, he just told you that if a girl walked up to him, he would cheat on you again. So obviously he doesn't feel bad for doing it before. I would leave him and save yourself the heartache.
thanks Izzy,
i feel thats what i ought to do but we have had such a good relationship and im so in love and we make each other so happy that he told me that he is going to change and wants to change. is it possible that he really did do this through insecurity? i dont know what to do and whether to cut all ties or find out the answers to my questions and see what could happen. i feel like he is the only thing that could help me heal.
rosie xxx
If he promises he can change then give him another chance but this will be his final chance & let him know that. So if he does cheat on you, you have already done everything you can do to save your relationship and you should then end it. So I think he deserves another shot
The ONLY way I would give him a chance if if he agreed to go through intense relationship counseling with you and personal counseling on his own. He has a problem and it is obvious. The future will not be any different unless something deep inside changes. Relationships only get harder down the line. Trouble now will only multiply. I know it's not what you want to hear, but get on any psychology site and see what they say, you will see they agree.
I agree with 1Dove...if the relationship is so good and he makes you so happy, he wouldn't have to go outside the relationship...if he's doing it now, he'll do it again