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Don't know what to do

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Usually, I'm the one on here helping people but this moment in my life, I just have no clue on what to do. Okay, so here it goes: About 4 years ago I was in a relationship with this guy that I loved a lot. We were in a two year relationship until he told me he was moving across the country. I got really upset but said I'd try to make it work. After he moved he would tell me things about him hanging out with a girl over there and how they weren't doing anything. But he told me every-time they hung out, which was a lot! So I finally got mad at him and he blew it way out of proportion and broke up with me. A year later as he was still across the country I started liking this one guy and I started dating him. My ex texted me soo mad saying he would never do that to me. But I never knew if my ex was coming back & when he was. So I had to move on. I dated this guy for 8 months. Then I broke up with him because I just didn't like him anymore and started gaining feelings for my ex that left. But my ex told me he would be back in 3 months. But he couldn't. So we stopped talking for a long time until tonight. He txt me saying he is coming back for sure in August and really wants to see me. So I agreed and I fell back in love, with talking to him over txt. But the 8 months guy last week asked for another chance last week so I said yes not knowing my ex was coming back. & me and the 8 months are suppose to go out to dinner this Thursday but I've been thinking I really love my ex and I think the 8 months was just a rebound. But I don't even know if my ex still loves me it's been soo long. What should I do? Should I go on the date or not? & should I really try to make things work with my ex?? Please help me.

Don't know what to do

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Do you still love the ex? If your confused l would go out with both, but nothing serious. 'Fooling around' with two people will screw your head up. But you do have to make the decision as to which one is more important to you. You may find that you don't like the new guy in two weeks, you may find that you don't have the old spark with the ex. I would suggest your ex will want to come back and slot back into his old life. But you have changed and so has he, it may or not work out. Be strong and listen to what you are telling yourself.

Don't know what to do

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I think you should be fair to 8 month guy and tell him the truth...that youre confused and you don't want to drag him through anything...maybe give yourself some time from both and just be with yourself and have some time to really understand what youre feeling

Don't know what to do

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I think you should be truthful to the 8 month guy so you aren't hurting his feelings. If you think you're truly still in love with your ex then you need to tell him if he's not serious about this then not to bother because you'll end up getting hurt again. If you really love him then go for it.

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