Am I being silly or what

PIGLET - Jul 16 2013 at 13:11
Hi my husband of thirty years walked out on me 2 and a half years ago and have since found out that he had been seeing somebody else for 5 years. He worked away from home monday to friday so i had no idea it was going on he was a very controlling man and i suffered mental and physical abuse for a number of years. I have had the fortune to meet a lovely man and we are planning to marry next year. My problem is trust he plays alot of online poker and there is one particular woman that is always flirting with him. I got upset and told him that it made me feel that i wasnt enough for him and to me it felt like a form of being unfaithful, his answer was its a game and she is thousands of miles away and after all its only a bit of fun. i tried to explain that he maybe thought it was fun but my morals are that if you are in a relationship with someone then you dont flirt with other people. we live together and work together not in the same department but within the same company I love him like i have never loved anybody else I am scared of what these feelings will do to our relationship.Tell me am i over-reacting or should he be more understanding knowing what i have been through previously, his ex wife cheated on him he has a matter of fact outlook on life this is crushing me as i love this man so much
No, I don't think you're over reacting because even though it is a game they can become very close and attempt to see each other in person.
He obviously sees nothing wrong, you obviously do. I think this will be a marriage breaker, if not today then In the future. Maybe consider some marriage counselling to sort out the issue. Otherwise it will just eat away at you until it eats away at the marriage.
'Its only a bit of fun' that can be used to justify anything. His answer should be, 'than no more on-line poker, i am sorry for hurting you'. Be careful , watch your steps this time.
Honestly I think you two should sit down and talk about it. When my boyfriend kissed a waitress before we actually started dating it hurt me deeply and I let him think it didn't bother me (until his sister forced the truth out of me by plying me with alcohol and then chewing his butt out :D) but that wasn't healthy for our relationship, me not telling him the truth.
Sit down with your man and explain to him why it bothers you. Tell him you would appreciate it if he told this woman to back off. The poker isn't the problem, the woman is. My husband cheated on me and I still get scared that maybe I trust my man too much, but love isn't easy. Love is difficult because it means facing your fears. I faced mine, I still do everyday I wake up and have to trust someone again. It's not easy but if you just talk to him, no yelling no nagging, just calmly discuss it then it will all work out.