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Me & my older sister

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about few years ago my sister was haveing problems at school n it was bullying she had no friends and neither did i as i was being bullied too, during the school problems we became very close and we became best friends but after some time when we went to college and we came to London and got a apartment togather we got intimate it started with just kissing but when we were both ready for the next stage we had sex and we were like girlfriend and boyfriend we have been in the relationship for 8 years now but she still treats me like i am a child what should i do ? and we re planning to start a family together will this go on or will it stop after we have a baby ?

Me & my older sister

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I've just read your story, and the first thing I am thinking, is that you need to get professional advice if you are thinking of having children. I don't know much about sex between brother and sister, but I think that there are some risks involved because of the genetics side of things. I could be wrong, but check it out - maybe other people on here can give you more details, but if you don't get information given to you about this, then find out for yourself by searching on the internet. If she is treating you like a child, then I doubt this would change if you were to have a baby with her. You could in fact find yourself out of the picture once the baby comes along, and you need to consider how you will feel if she turns her attention away from you.

Me & my older sister

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well we both got ourselves tested with a doctor and we were told that it will be ok, as physicaly we are fit, and thank you for you feed back as after your reply i spoke with her and she told me that she will stop treating me in that way and that once we have our baby by this time next year she will proved her love 1000 times by love and efection for me, thank you for gaining my confidence, i hope i get the chance of resolveing your problem's too. Shagufta.

Me & my older sister

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I think it is wrong that you and your sister are doing this, its a different kind off love and u should'nt cross the line u should care for each other and look after each other but not in any sexual way. If you have a baby with your sister u should think of the child because its you that will have to sit and explain this to your child when they get older, your gonna be messing with a real persons emotions. I wish you and your sister all the best for the future.

Me & my older sister

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im with lexy on this- i mean am i reading this right? are you actually brother and sister? both with the same parents? grew up together? because if all the answers to these questions are yes then you have a serious problem, im pretty sure its illegal! but think about how confused and upset your family will be! we all love our siblings but you have to draw a line under this................. Am i the only one who thinks this is wrong? im sorry and i dont mean to hurt your feelings but this is really abnormal behaviour! x

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