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My husband is having casual conversations with other women through email

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I recently found out that my boyfriend of 10 years is having casual conversations with other women through email. They are not sexual but I fear that they will end up that way. We are currently planning our wedding for next summer. I haven't confronted him about them because he always get defensive and makes everything he does wrong my fault. He has cheated multiple times in the past and I have forgave him and moved on. We have three children together and I know we really love each other, I don't know what to do anymore!

My husband is having casual conversations with other women through email

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Jess01, Jess01, Jess01........ You know the problem. You know that your boyfriend, soon to be husband is emotionally having online affairs through e-mails. After 10 years, the two of you have established a way of life together. People do change, but are you willing to wait to see if he does change his behavior. Don't be Delusional in your approach. Every woman has their breaking part. Its your decision to make. No one can or should tell you to leave your boyfriend. Ask yourself something that I thought about, why did you title him your husband, then call him your boyfriend of 10 years? Why not say fiance? Have you been a fiance for way to long? Are you asking yourself whether or not he will become your husband? If after 10 years he makes everything your fault, then you are indirectly saying you accept it as your fault. Remember, 10 years is establishing a way of life with someone. Will he be willing to change the way of life the two of you have established? Good Luck, but I think you truly know the solution to this problem. Let us know how it turns out.

My husband is having casual conversations with other women through email

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He needs love. If you truly love him, then the best thing to do is tell him (in very strong words) that messaging with other women is wrong and it has to stop. If he asks you why it's wrong tell him that it's an indication that he doesn't love you. If he loves you, he'll stop. If he doesn't stop, it'll be time to move on because this will make you miserable, and life is too short to be unhappy. Good luck.

My husband is having casual conversations with other women through email

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Jess01, You received some great advice here. I wish I could give you something more hopeful. All I can do is tell you that I empathize with you. I have been in your situation in 2 separate relationships. First with my children's father. We were together for 8 years. He did not seem like he wanted to marry me. He gave me a ring, but when I would question him he would take it back, and when he was not upset he would let me have it. That went on for 2years. Like your boyfriend he would tell me I was wrong. Currently the man I am with now is communicating with women via facebook. He has told me that I have to cut off contact with all my male friends that are not blood related, but he has a lot of conversations with other women. Most are casual, but it makes me feel disrespected. It upsets me that he turns his mistakes into my faults. What I am getting at is that you need to know when to stand your ground and not budge. You plan to marry this man. You need to set some kind of boundaries for one another. He needs to know you are worth more than these casual conversations. You have the power to make him listen and respect you. No games involved just demand what you are entitled to. He needs to know that you are there for him and your children, and that if your words are not important enough to be taken seriously you cannot be there for him. Don't compromise yourself because you think that it will make the relationship better. He will respect you more if you stand up for yourself. Many blessings

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