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How do I encourage affection in my boyfriend ? We are like an old married couple he reckons he is bored with sex and even struggles to kiss me. He works a lot and isn't cheating on me. I miss him loads cause he lives three hours away:( any advice?


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Try spicing it up. You said he lives 3hrs away - what about sexting with strategic photos when you know he's due to get home from work? Or surprise him with new lingerie and a small toy? Even make the kisses more interesting with different techniques or with a little white wine in your mouth.


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I agree you should try to add a little more flavor into your relationship. Another thing is you should have a talk on what is and what is not working for the relationship. If one of you dose not like going to the movies or something find something you both like to replace it. There is also plenty of ideas on the internet for long distance relationships. Here are a few that helped when my bf and me were separated by 5 hours. :)


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do what he likes,go dancing or take some classes together that way you will have fun

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