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Getting help for my grandson

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My grandson is almost 19 years old. When he was 17, he was involved (with 3 or 4 friends) in burglarizing a home. After serving his time, being in counseling and on probation, it looked like things were going to turn around for him. He got a good-paying job, called in sick twice during his first week, then quit after a week. Even so, he made $300 for the time he was there. He said the hours were too long and he was exhausted all the time. His money is gone, he stole money from the people (friends of his mother) he is staying with, drank all their alcohol while they weren't home and is otherwise hanging out with a pretty wild bunch. The people he lives with have given him one month to get a job or get out. I feel like he's headed for a bad end, and I'm afraid for him. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, but in retrospect, after much study I think it may be some mild form of autism ~ both of his brothers have Asperger's. Can his mother force him into some kind of treatment or counseling? He doesn't listen to anyone. Any ideas?

Getting help for my grandson

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Dear DragonCrone, Thank you for being courageous enough to share your story with us. I am very sorry to hear about your grandson and your family's misfortunes. As bad as it sounds, it might take something really bad happening to your grandson in order for him to learn his lesson. Don't worry, though. All bad situations do have positive aspects in them. No one can force him to do something that he does not want to do. Your grandson has to be willing to make the change himself and when he feels like he's ready, that's when he will ask for help and you guys can give him the love and support he needs by maybe taking him to a counselor or some kind of treatment facility. All you can really do in this situation is hope for the best and pray for a positive outcome and for him to get better. I will say that based on what I've seen, a lot of the younger generation nowadays think it's cool to be the bad boy/girl. Maybe it's just a phase. I'm going to stay positive and say that eventually he will want to change so for future advice - the people he is hanging out with now who are getting him into all sorts of bad things are going to have to be cut off. I don't know if you believe in God or not, but I want you to know that He is with you at all times and you're not alone in this situation. Trust in the Lord to make you better and heal all wounds. All wounds do take time and I have faith in your problem that within time, it will all get better. I'll pray for you. Keep your head up, darling. I wish you the best. Love, Pazley ♥

Getting help for my grandson

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Dear Dragon crone Please pray to god he is the greatest healer. And when your grandson is ready for treatment please don't take him to psychiatry please take him to holistic Ayurveda treatment. God be with you and your family. Sincerely malach

Getting help for my grandson

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Legally, no you can't force him to go into counseling or therapy. He has to voluntarily go or be court ordered to go. Honestly, there is not much you can do, just let him go down hill and have him learn on his own the hard way. I am 31 so I probably fall in that bad/girl If you or someone close to him then get him away from his friends permanently by preoccupying him with something else or sit in a room where he has no access to drugs, to just think and clear his mind..maybe something good would happen out of it? I have made plenty mistakes in my past and I had to learn the hard way, but I never went as far as going to jail. I will eventually share my story when I have the need too.

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