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Calming pills

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I have been prescribed Amitryptyline for migraines and general bad health feelings as i have entered the perimenopause. i wondered if anyone has had experience of this medication and whether it has any detrimental effects or not?. I have been prescribed 10mg one a night. How do they make you feel?, as im worried about feeling too drowsy as i get up for work early of a morning. Thanks.

Calming pills

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Dear flower You must quit this medication at any cost but be careful not to quit it abruptly the withdrawal will be hell so you must quit it slowly with a help of a doctor who is against psychiatric drugs. This or any other psychiatric drug is toxin. But luckily we have an alternative treatment which is known as Ayurveda. The first thing you must find an Ayurvedic doctor. Ayurveda has saved lot of people from this and these kind medications. You must also ask for Ayurvedic detox. Just google for Ayurvedic centers or doctors near your place. Ayurveda also have treatment for all your illness. Pray to god who is the greatest healer. Get well soon From malach

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