Cheating husband do u forgive?

PONTY1964 - Apr 1 2008 at 18:24
ive been married nearly 2yrs and his x has been on the scene since we met i found out hes in contact with her and hes been meeting up with her without me knowing he says they,ve not slept together but they went away for the nite .Do i work things out or not.I cant forgive or forget do i end it with him?
i think its unlikely he did not sleep with her, although i dont know the circumstances this appears to be very dont meet up with ex when you are marries and not tell wife about it ubnless he is up to know good...even if he did not do anything he has been unfaithful and deceitful, i would get shot of him now if you cant forgive and forget or it will drive you up the wall inthe longrun
take care
My question to you would be "Do you want to work it out?" Have you asked him for what reason he wants to keep in contact with his x and why he went away over night with her? You have only been married 2 years so what is missing in your marriage for him to still wanting connection with his x? My husband announced after 24 years that he had not been faithful in all that time, besides one night stands, sleeping with a prostitute he also had an affair with my best friend for 18 months. The great news is is that we are now in a fantastic relationship and believe me if you truly want to be with this me you owe it to yourself to start to look at why the relationship is in the position it is. This can be painful at times as you will not only be looking at your husband you need to look inside yourself and see how you are behaving in the relationship. Even if you end up not staying with your husband you need to forgive and understand why this had happened so that you do not attract the same type of person into your life next time. My husband and I are both Relationship Coaches and we have a free 8 part mini course all about infidelity which will give you lots of information, as well as offering one to one coaching.
would love to help you x
thanx 4 ur reply theres more 2 story,he says hes afraid of his x shes a nasty piece of work she asked 4 money and he gave it 2 her then said if u dont meet me 4 coffee ill tell ur wife so he did then if u dont come 2 house ill tell ur wife u gave me money and ad coffee and so it began he swears he didnt sleep with her she told me they did in 1 way i believe him cos shes so devious she,d say she was pregnant but ill never no i look at him and want 2 punch him ge works near her house and catches the bus near there 2 and i hate it,dont think i can trust him agaun she,ll do or say ne thing 2 split us up cos she says im a fool .i dont want her 2 win but im torn bout wot 2 do.
hes afraid of his x she asked 4 money he gave she said 2 meet 4 coffee if he didnt she.d tell me bout the money so he went then she told im 2 come 2 her house if he didntshe,d tell me bout the money coffee etc and so it went on in the end i found out bout the nite away his phone rang me by mistake and i heard them avind drinnks 2gether then she caused a fuss in the hotel and the policr were called and she was put 2 bed in another room so i rang him and told him wot iheard he denied it at 1st .when they came home she was shoulting hello 2 me 2 make sure she knew that they were 2gether.
sorry dont know wot im doing sending messages to myself
my husband is afraid of his x she asked him 4 money and he gave it 2 her then she wanted 2 meet 4 coffee and if he didnt shed tell me bout the money so he did then she wanted him 2 go over the house if he didnt she,d tell me bout money,coffee etc he got himself in a hole he couldnt get out of in the end he went away 4 the nite with her she got so drunk the police were called and she was put 2bed in another room they came home the following day.i threw him out and she was glad when he came back she was fuming and raged all nite he promised 2 bar her number but he has not.
Are you trying to pose as 2 people on this forum? In this post you are making out that your husband could be cheating on you... but in another post called Cheating Husband Gives His Version which was started with your name is supposedly from your husbands' point of view - I don't get it... maybe too late at night for me to work all of this out?