I want my ex partner back

SJA1711 - Aug 12 2013 at 14:51
My partner broke up with me a few months ago and things are hard at the minute because I am still living in his house with him. We have a 6 year old daughter so that's why I haven't moved out yet but I am getting my own place but its taking a long time to sort out. I have realised now how much I love him and want a relationship with him again but he has just started see someone from another country. I do think he still has feelings for me but I'm not sure. I want to win back his love so I could do with some help to get him back.
Treat him with a lot of respect and be very nice to him
I have started to take more interest in his day which he was a bit surprised about it. I am trying to change the things that went wrong but I don't know if I am just wasting my time. I am being very nice to him but sometimes it is hard when I feel so sad. All I want to do is be close to him
This is a stepping process. I know you just want to be his already but if you jump too fast, you may not get the outcome you want. Right now it seems like you're doing great! You're surprising him and catching him off guard, now just throw in A few flirty words in a casual environment. Just sporadically throughout the day. That will get him double thinking. Be patient, it's a work in progress. Good luck!
Thanks for your response. I will give it a go but he is not interested in me at all. I just hope over time he sees what he is missed
just tell him how u feel if he wants u he will tell you otherwise accept what comes its his call.