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Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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This is a bit of a difficult subject for me. I enjoy sex, and i really rather enjoy sex with my current boyfriend. But for the last few months, while in one of more favorite positions (doggy), it started to hurt on the left side, kinda in the area of just above my left inner thigh, closer to the front. because of this little problem, and being rather inexperienced with other sexual positions, has put a bit of a damper of my sex drive, and i fear that i don't either get advice on other positions for a semi-beginner. I've only had two partners in my life, and my first let's say we didn't do much more then your basic missionary. I want to try and show my boyfriend that i'm still interested in him, and our time together. Please if anyone can give me good sound advice, you don't have to be to soft, i am 27 and i would really like some help. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by my post, but i don't really know who to ask about this sort of thing. Thank you

Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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you might try being on top-?

Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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I was going to say the same thing, get on top. Check out a few books with positions, or check online. You can learn so much from even soft porn. If you must do doggy... Put your legs in side his instead of spread outward with him inbetween. That takes the stress off of your inner thigh, and it allows for deeper penetration. You are young, experiment and enjoy yourself. Safe sex is always the best sex!

Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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I love doggy too, it's my favourite, but when I fell pregnant, it started to hurt like hell, lol... I agree that on top is a good position for you to try. It was the first position I ever tried, apart from the basic missionary, and I like it, and it's especially good for being in control & clitoral stimulation. I have a couple of books on sexual positions, the karma sutra and ann summers collection, but there are lots out there, you could try get your hands on one and see if anything appeals to you. I love sex with my boyfriend and I also love the mutual discovery of new ways to enjoy sex together. i'm sure if you told him your problem, and explained that even though you haven't tried many positions you are willing to explore others, he would be completely on board.

Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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I say seek medical attention-this is not normative. The pressure point of the vagina for pain is not to the left nor the right, it is deep within the vagina. It is like feeling pressure on your stomach, that is normative pain. Changing positions will help, but it will not help if you are experiencing pain to the left of your vagina. I won't say what I think it is-I am not a medical doctor. Please seek attention. Good luck. TinaW

Difficult to explain, sorry but please I need help

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I agree., I think I would seek medical assistance on this.

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