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Can't post anything here!

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I have tried to respond to the person who responded to me. I have tried three times! So, I'm sorry, but I'm not ignoring you I just can't make it work. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

Can't post anything here!

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Click the post you are talking about, scroll down after it will say " respond to this post click here" click on " click here" fill in the information at the top if you're not already logged in. Then type the message you want and copy the letters into the small box below your txt then hit submitt!

Can't post anything here!

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countrymom it's okay, I don't think you we're ignoring, sometimes we get busy and can't respond, technical issues etc. I'm in no way offended, I'm just hopeful that all is well with your family. Big hugs to everyone on this new beautiful day.

Can't post anything here!

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hi.please help.i cant seem to post my problem on hear.iv written it all out but its not on hear,what am i doing wrong.and are we only aloud to post one problem?how do we delete stuff?helpppppppppppp lol

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