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Long distance relationship (long story)

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i was in a relationship with a boy i met online back in 2008. we have been dating or "in a relationship" since then. but recently he dumped me. i have never seen him. in the beginning i would say i was being played because he still had a girlfriend, and was sleeping around with other females and with 1 of those females he tried 3 times to make a baby with but she miscarried each time. basically he was cheating on me and being that i lived so many miles away in another state i didnt know this until i questioned him long enough for him to confess. after he confessed all these things, I STILL TOOK HIM BACK! he has been in some legal trouble and i stuck by his side no matter what even if we wasnt together. he has told me at some point that he didnt love me and it hurt but i still stayed by his side. as time passed he ended up going to jail for a couple of months and of course i was there for him. he was my boyfriend and i had no choice. im 23 yrs old with 2 kids. only a high school diploma and no help from my kids father. once again me and this boy have never seen each other. i dont have a camera phone and i only work a part time job. last December 2012 my apartment was broken into and some items was stolen. my laptop being 1 of them. this happened while he was in jail. i ended up moving out of the apartment for the safety of my kids. the problem was that i didnt have anywhere to go and no money for a hotel because it was Around Christmas time so my money was low because of Christmas gifts and putting money on my phone for him to call me while he was in jail. my kids father and i are not on good terms but his mom and i were. i asked her if i could move in with her until i found another place and she agreed but said that i could not date another man while in her house. my boyfriend was in jail and i knew he wouldn't approve of this so i didnt tell him. i had to think of my kids. i told him that i was living with my grandma instead and i wasnt. i wasnt planning on staying in my kids father mom house for long and i didnt. but i didnt tell him either. he sent a webcam when he got out of jail and i gave him the address of a friend of mine instead of the address i was at because out of respect for this woman i didnt want mail coming to her house from a man i told her that i didnt have. i didnt want to be kicked out on the street but i wasnt going to let her stop me from being with him so i did what i had to do to work around her. so basically the address i gave him he thought thats where i was staying. i dont have a camera phone so i would use my kids father mother phone to send him pictures but i would never face time him because i was scared that i might of got caught using her phone talking to a boy i said i didnt have. im the oldest of 5 kids. my siblings are younger. my biological father i never speak on because he used to mess with me when i was a child and even gotten me pregnant before. anybody that comes into my life that doesn't know about my past i never tell them my biological fathers name or who he is. i never speak on him. with this long distance relationship i didnt think it was gone last this long. so i lied and told him that my dad name was the name of my friends dad. it was a stupid thing to do but by the time i realized it the relationship was in too deep. i do have a stepfather who my mom is no longer dating but he has been in my mom life since i was small. he was my dad in my eyes and his kids were my sisters and brothers as well. these siblings are the siblings i told this boy about and he know all their names and all. at first he didnt love me but as the years went by he started to fall in love with me. he did me dirty by sleeping around and trying to start a family with another girl while i was in the picture and it really did do damage to me. it made me jealous. insecure and a wreck. eventually i got fed up with everything that was going on in my life with my money issues. not having a home of my own and my insecurity issues with this boy. i told him i needed some time to get things together and realize that i really wanted to be with him and how much he meant to me. i ran off up the road for a couple of days just clear my mind and take some time away from everything. he ended up in my state and he showed up at the address i gave him. the ppl at the house told him that they didnt know who he was talking about and that no one lives at that address by that name which is my name. the man that he talked to was my friend father whose nickname is what i told him my dad name was. my friend dad does not know me PERIOD. i just heard her on the phone one day calling her dad name and i just stuck with it. stupid stupid me. i didnt know that he went to those ppl house until a couple if days later when he called me in a rage. he said i was a joke and that i made the whole story about "just needing some time" because i knew he was coming to my state. i really did not know anything about him coming to my state because he said he wanted to surprise me. even though i told him i wasnt there he showed up anyway. if he had told me he was coming i would if had no choice but to tell the truth to him. he even said so himself that he was gone get mad either way. he said he doesn't think i am who I say i am. he kept saying "whoever you are" . i told him that i was me. i even let him talk to my daughter on the phone before and he still questions me. he hasn't spoken to my mom because me and her are not close at all. he was inboxing my aunt on facebook. it's been 5 years and we have never seen each other. mostly because he wasnt serious at first but now he is. i will say out of these 5 years i feel like it was REAL for only 1 year. i know it seems bad in my part but why would he break up with me and hurt me. i didnt leave him when he did all those things to me. what can i do to mend things with him. i dont think we are getting back together but if i cant have my lover back i want my bestfriend back.

Long distance relationship (long story)

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he needs to change his ways to become a good person,bf, or a dad.Unless that happens its useless,help him if he wants this otherwise you move on

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