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Blackmailed by my ex girlfriend

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I am currently being black mailed by an ex girlfriend. I had dated this ex for about a year almost two years ago. I had went overseas (afghanistan) I was there for work. I had broken up with this person about 2 months before going overseas. 4 months after our break up I met someone else from a different country and talked to them casually over skype and emails etc. I eventually met this person and started a relationship things were up and down but I generally liked this person and had more and more feelings. I had been contacted by my ex on occaision and most times I had ignored her or said very little in return. I returned home from Afghanistan after a year and was still talking to the woman I met from another country. Things turned sour for a bit she visted me in America and eventually returned home. After her return home stress and work forced our relationship to suffer and we agreed to take a time out as she called it. I was asked to hangout again by my old ex who was dating someone else at the time and I had not intentions of doing anything and we didnt intially then later we did. It was fine it was short thing and that was all it was I told her about the girl (we will call her Tina) I had been seeing and talking to and said we were on hold. Later i decided to push for Tina and I to get back together despite the distance and separation. I told my ex this also and she was insulting but started seeing other guys as I began persuing my relationship with Tina. Aftera couple months I was able to go and visit her in her country and we had a great time and really rekindled things. I had sex with her a lot and our birth control failed. I found this out a month after I was back home as she was scared to tell me. During that time we remained together and by each others side. My ex started to hound me about hanging out etc... I said no. We had mutual friends and she asked them what I was up to where I hang out etc.. I told her that Tina and I were going to stay together and that I loved Tina. This seemed to work for a bit until my ex saw that my gf Tina had asked some pregnancy questions online somewhere. I also noticed that she had become a follower of some of the same sites as Tina and even joined some of the same groups. My EX blew up!!! She went off on me about everything and started threatening me. Telling me that this girl was going to ruin my life etc. I told her that it was none of her business and if that was true then it was my problem not hers. Nothing I did backed her off. Then the threats came left and right. She said she was going to email her that we were having sex and other things. I wasn't having sex with her or even seeing her. The bad thing is I was with her so long before and she kept lots of old pics and emails etc. She said she would email her that she and I text and call and email. I did text back because she would continue until I finally answered and would say the craziest things. She has threatened to kill herself if I dont go see her and has continued to threaten emailing her. Normally I would not be as concerned but with a long history it really makes it hard to defend myself and who knows what she will tell her. Most women believe other women no matter what and since she knows intimate details about me it frightens me. I love Tina very much and even prior to her pregnancy we were pushing to get her a visa. We are so close now to her visa getting approved and I really want this woman in my life. She doesn't understand everything cultural wise but speaks good english as she is european. My friends and family all love Tina and everyone is excited about her coming into my life. My parents met her and fell in love with her too. I got into a bad arguement with my ex over the phone a week ago and she said that she had already wrote the email and was going to send it to her me and my friends telling them what a POS I am and all sorts of lies. I am not perfect.... as I should have left an ex an ex eventhough I had a breif rough spot in my current relationship however I was not cheating and I am in love with Tina. The night we had the bad arguement I called my brother for advice and talked to him a bit. My ex called again obessively and started texting answer or I will send that email. I told her I would get a restraining order unless she leaves me alone. Some of this worked for a while but she still insists I see her again just because she is sorry for things she said and does not want to leave it like that. I had already asked my employer if I am able to move states to be closer to family. My employer agreed to help though I have no moving date or details yet. Please help me. I am not sure what to do

Blackmailed by my ex girlfriend

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your ex is your ex ,why are you so worried about her,she needs couns,stay away from her and concentrate on your future

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