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Used and abused

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I am a 28 year old female who was in a relationship with a Pakistani guy, I then fell pregnant and after I told him I was pregnant he broke it off with me. Not just did he leave he made up stories and told to our mutual friends, I left him went through the pregnancy alone gave birth and became friends with his cousin. We then became rather close and started a relationship. When I met him the cousin he was not working at the time I didn't care because he was a nice person. I then decided to really care about him and started doing his laundry bought him cologne and toothpaste and stuff even paid his rent and gave him money so that he has to buy him ciggarets and whatever he needs. I even bought him socks... During ramdaan I fed him and still does. when he is sick I will leave everything and go to his apartment to make sure he is fine. I was trying to help him find a shop but in the meantime I gave him twenty five thousand south African rand to buy stock for shop I wasn't successful with the one shop but up until now im looking for another place I found out over a month ago he sold the stock without telling me and send the money to his parents in Pakistan whether this is true I have no idea. I then forgave him and moved on but things are just getting worse... he says hurtful things and to him its right also he is allowing his cousins to say bad things to me when I ask him why he don't say anything he ask me what must I say they even say it infront of him but he just laugh. like last night his cousin came with him and asked me when is the wedding and they both laughed like im a fool... he asked me to marry him but im not wearing ring anymore cos I feel like everybody is laughing behind my back including my boyfriend... he blames me for everything that is going wrong in his life. should I break it off with him or what must I do

Used and abused

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Hello I'm no expert and Lord knows I have relationship problems of my own, but in my opinion you should definitely leave him alone it seems like he is taking advantage of you and doesn't even respect you enough to stand up for you. You should never stay in a situation where you feel bad and it doesnt seem like you need him, hes not supporting you financially or emotionally.You have a child to consider ask yourself if you would approve of your child being in that situation.

Used and abused

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LEAVE HIM. and do it fast! Never let someone treat you like less of a person or allow others to do so, and also, he sounds like a bum and a user. I have seen many men like this and they do NOT change, they move on to others who will support and baby them. PLEASE turn away and never look back. forget feeling sorry for him, forget if he is good in bed, forget the sweet things he may have said or say, it's all Bullsh*t! all part of the con to make you feel bad for leaving him. He survived before you ad he can survive after you. if you don't go, you might have 2 kids and 2 loser baby daddys in your past.

Used and abused

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respect is important if they cant give you then its not worth, find someone better

Used and abused

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Really.... I think Pakistan is in Asia and not in Africa

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