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Unsure re:my boyfriends feelings for my 15 yr old daughter

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My boyfriend if nearly 3years (one of which we spent in a long distance relationship) has always been very honest with me about his feelings for my daughter. He has a very messed up background and its left him deeply scarred and he is still trying to work out what his feelings are (how to know what the feeling is he feels) and what's right and wrong for him. I know he loves me and I love him, however, he has told me on more than one occasion he loves my daughter (first he thought he was in love with her, now he says he loves her??) and that he found her physically attractive and was affected by this. Then He said it had changed and was no longer there. Now he has told me when she gave him a hug the other day he got an erection, but not because he wants to have sex with her, because when he feels really happy (doesn't happen often- the happy feeling) or really good he gets an erection sometimes. I e seen this happen myself for all sorts of reasons. I need help to find out if this is a normal physical thing men go through. He also told me it wouldn't matter if it was someone else, if he spends enough time with a female in the same house, he will end up attracted to them because he always looks for the beauty not the ugly in a person. Please help me, I'm so confused!!!!!

Unsure re:my boyfriends feelings for my 15 yr old daughter

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How old is your daughter?

Unsure re:my boyfriends feelings for my 15 yr old daughter

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You need to put your daughter first. However sorry you feel for him/ however much you love him if his getting an erection around your 15 year old its not right. You need to think about how this can affect her and as a mum put her first. Dump the guy. sorry

Unsure re:my boyfriends feelings for my 15 yr old daughter

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Totally sick and you need A LOT of help for sticking with someone who openly admitted to "loving" you minor daughter. I don't know if you have a self confidence issue or what but that's a deal breaker automatically. I'm sorry, but you're totally off the fucking deep end for letting it go this far and even questioning whether or not a grown man, who you're supposed to be in a romantic relationship with, should be forgiven for this...I don't care what background he comes from. SICK!!!

Unsure re:my boyfriends feelings for my 15 yr old daughter

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Thanks everyone for your responses. My question is this: Is it normal for a male to get an erection when feeling extremely happy/good and is it possible for a male to get an erection and not actually be wanting to have sex? I acknowledge your concerns (those of you who voiced them) and I appreciate your time, but if anyone answering could focus on the question and not their own opinions that would be great. Thanks again.

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