how my husband acted when i confronted him about clearing his phone history

AUDRI.20 - Sep 22 2013 at 21:48
So im 8 months pregnant with twins and recently discovered my husband constantly deletes his browser history on his phone and I confronted him about it. He tried saying he had it automatically set to delete so it wont slow down the phone...ha yea ok ,so i asked him if he was being unfaithful and he said i was paranoid and he wasn't cheating but this accusing him could lead him to it. I cried he told me to shut up and then.felt guilty and said it's because he watches porn because we havent been intimate and didn't want to hurt my feelings. As i dont mind porn being watched when we are not intimate, i do mind the lying and disrespect. The way he turned it around on me instead of being real with me hurts and the way he belittled me still hurts. I pretend that i let it go in fear of him losing it again but now i feel so depressed, he knows i don't mind porn occasionally (no abusing it or addiction) so why would he say that or hide it? Am i overreacting? I'm so laid back ,i just feel hurt and loss of trust. I cant turn back ... we are having twins...i feel so alone :'( advice please?
well first off i think that you should care if he is watching this stuff because it may start to become an addiction as you stated so you should care a lot and no i personally dont think that you are overreacting because that is something extremely serious... just let him be the one to earn the trust back you know dont worry about it and stay strong and just little by little see if he is trying to earn the trust back
Hello you must be feeling very low right now and your partner is not being very supportive at all :( I don't feel him watching porn is a problem as long as your both ok and your relationship is strong but while your pregnant I would think it's not the best time for him to be watching it :( maybe together as a couple when your hormones are not all over the shop .. Tell him you don't mind him watching it but not while your feeling so insecure about yourself and tell him how your feel :) good luck and I'm sure you will all be very happy and when ya little ones arrive :) we all get insecure and all men love porn honey it's not that bad xxxx
Yes, I too looked at porn while my wife was pregnant. We have needs especially when we have sexy wives . He are just afraid of harming the baby inside especially if it gets real good. Or the mood swing you go through that keeps us away. We find it better to play with ourselves better than going out and having a affair and loosing you our wife and loosing our marriage !!! That's why I did it !! ;-)
I totally understand but a lot of woman feel insecure about men watching porn and when pregnant I would assume even more :( I think watching it together could be a good idea x