Ten years older

YORU - Sep 23 2013 at 23:57
Im 18 and just go my first boyfriend,and he is 10-11 years older than I am. I really like him, but my parents want me to break up with him because I have little experience in the dating department. I always listen to them and do what they say, so they expect me to do it soon. My issue is we both like being together and I DO NOT want to break up with him, but if I decide to, and he asks why, I dont want to say because my mom and dad wanted me to. I could just lie, but then I would live with guilt knowing that I lied. Im so lost on what to do, I really need help, Thank you!
You should do what you want to do not what your parents want you to do. And so what I'd it's your first relationship and you don't have a lot of experience?? This could give you a to of experience, just keep your guard up though
Experience is not the only problem, my mom is only six years older than he is. They find it absolutely disgusting that he could be dating my mom. (My parents are seven years apart, but they dated when mom was 22 so she had experience).
Has it still been an issue as of now?
You are 18 and old enough to make your own decisions. No matter how much your parents disapprove it is your life and not theirs. Your relationship may not work out but you will learn a lot from it that will help you with relationships in the future.
The answer is you are 18