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Cheating Boyfriend of 6 Years

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Ive been with my boyfriend for 6 years now. I thought everything was going well up until around 4 months ago when he said he felt like i was pushing him away. I also found out he had been seeing someone else. We ended up going on holiday to Turkey and things got back to normal and our relationship became stronger than ever. Little did i know he has still been secretly seeing this same girl for the past 2 months, he keeps telling me he isnt going to lie to me anymore and he loves me and wants me and says he would do anything to be with me. But every week without fail i think its going well until i check his phone records and find out hes been texting and ringing her. She has even stayed at my house in my bed! I dont know what to do anymore, in the past 2 months ive caught him going back to her 6 times. I feel like all the chances im giving him are a waste of time. I love him but surely he cant feel the same?

Cheating Boyfriend of 6 Years

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yes its a waste of time,he is not faithful or serious about you.

Cheating Boyfriend of 6 Years

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Ive been thru this type of thing myself and hes not going to stop or be honest with you because you keep putting up with it. How, i dont know..Anyways, break up with him and if you do love him and want him back and want him to respect you, you have to play a game more or less with him,even if you dont like the idea. What I mean is...break up with him and walk away..(even if it hurts like hell) and them see what he does. If he really does love you then make he work at getting you back. Dont give him the time or day at first..then after a few weeks, slowly give him jut a little time but not alot...(dont rush back into it,, if he loves you and you want alife with him, then take your time or he will go back to her and lie to you again. He needs to know you arent going to take it anymore.Also try to make yourself come across as someone who is strong mentally and that you dont really need him and make him think your not sure if you want him back (even if your really do),,If he thinks he has you then he will do it again. I know its hard but you can do it.,

Cheating Boyfriend of 6 Years

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Ive come to a conclusion about women who have this situation. Its challanging, competitive, a chase or hunt is on, the dreampt up romantisism ideas tickle the yearning zone in women and in men alike. But you all 3 dig it. No boredom here. Girls are pining for some schmo whos just licking his chops inbetween his stop at the mirror check it, move on. Stop squealing, etc and either dump both of them(goes for anyones of u) move on, or enjoy the chaotic, lie to yourself, look like maybe u have 1/2 a brain in ya kinda life that ya got goin on now.

Cheating Boyfriend of 6 Years

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I do not think he is worth it because no effort has been made to prove that he is truly committed to you and finally over the other woman. Without that there is nothing. Move on!

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