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fiance wants a three way

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After a year and a half, he tells me he wants to see me with another woman. Then describes what he wants to do with her too. To me, this is only an excuse to cheat and that he is probably cheating already. What's the difference? And just last week he said we need to get back in church. It broke my heart listening to him describe his fantasy. Of course, only what I am comfy with and only with me there. So hurt. I didn't say a thing. I acted as if it was great. Now waiting to see who "she" will be. My bet is, since he works out of town and is gone 2 weeks at a time, he already has a "her" in mind. Maybe it was wrong to act like I was all for it, but I am engaged to this man. How can I marry him if I don't find out how deep this goes or if he is already cheating? Is this a normal fantasy? It's all cheating in my mind. To me, if u want to ef around, even with me there, then you just want to ef around altogether and he doesn't love me. I want noone else. I love him. I want a good, honest life and this is far from that.

fiance wants a three way

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It sounds like this is a deal-breaker for you, which you'll just have to let him know. That being said, this is an INCREDIBLY common fantasy. It's, like, the #1 vanilla (by that I mean non-fetish stuff) fantasy. It could very well be that he just wanted to let you know because he feels comfortable. Most of my married friends (male and female) have had their partner express something like this to them. It doesn't always mean cheating. It's really, really common. However, if you're NOT comfortable, it's best to let him know that too. You know what you want in a relationship, and that has to come first.

fiance wants a three way

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I work 14-7 shifts (14 days away from home). And I hate to say it but I think u r right. You can have as many girlfriends as u want. It depends on how often you see them.

fiance wants a three way

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There's already been issues with the ex. He says it was all innocent. Funny thing is her husband's family is from right where my fiance works and no one would pay attention to her taking a trip there. Isn't that ironic. Constant contradictions. I am beside myself. Why give me this rock of a ring, and he even cried when he did. Now I find myself turning into the paranoid, nagging girlfriend which has demeaned me even more. But this knot in my gut won't go away.

fiance wants a three way

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Take my dvice dump the sinical!!! You will regret if u don't do it now

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