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Hi, my husband an i have been seperated since may. We've been back an forth on the whos at fault. He has cheated an instead of apologizing to me he apologizes to her, cusses me. He begged me not to divorce an get marriage sn individual counseling. But he has been online tlking sex. He was supposed to meet a woman one night says he didnt an he contacted woman he cheated with on Facebook. Now he says i should trust him and im crazy for childish jealousy. Advice anyone


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Sounds like to me the if he Cheated then he's the one who should be apologizing not u. He is the reason u feel the way u do. Sounds to me like all he wants is take have his cake and eat it too. If I was u I wouldn't give him the second chance to hurt me.


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He clearly takes you for a fool. Time for you to do different and not be one. Pull up those brave boot straps, located in the back of your closet, put wisdom in the frontline of your new take charge of own life now. Courage, self-respect, no room for anger or fear, only good choices made, by you, with the goal of 'I will not be taken for a fool' again.


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I too have been separated since June. It was my fault as I had stepped out on my wife with my assistant. My wife of 23 years is an incredible, loving and selfless woman who deserves the world. I spent a good amount of those 23 years no where close to appreciating how lucky I was to have her in my life. My issues go back to childhood as undiagnosed ADHD/ADD. I am truly sorry for what I did and have finally taken the right steps. The reason that I share this is because there cannot be continuation of the wrong actions if you are truly sorry for what happened. I am seeing a counselor and I am hopeful that she will go on her own with us eventually going together. HE does not seem to see the light and is using the blame game as an attempt to justify his actions. There does not seem to be any hope there so be a strong confident woman and find a man who will truly appreciate you. GOOD LUCK!

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