SIMMINGFOREVER - Oct 13 2013 at 20:50
Hi about six years ago we defaulted on our mortgage, we had to voluntarily surrender our lovely four bedroom home as the mortgage company were unsympathetic as my husband had lost his job, we subsequently had to go bankrupt. lost our house and had our cars repossessed,i appreicate we all have bad times in life but six years down the line nothing is getting better, if anything it is getting worse, my health had failed and i have to work part time now. we dont have much money coming in and everyday a struggle, it is not a life just an existence, tired of it all, get very depressed at times as nothing seems to get better we have such bad luck,thanx for listening
Did u know that nearly all the people that are extremely successful went bankrumpt at least one time. My mother is successful, she owns 11 homes, 10 which she rents out, 1 is a small horse ranch, mom works her rear off, always has, but she went bankrupt 2 tmes un her past, growing up we had homes, cars, lost homes cars. My point is Do NOT let dicouragement get the best of you. Fight for yourself!