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I am in a relationship with someone that has told me that they arent in love with me .. They love me just not in love with me .. But I am them .. We are best friends and have been in an affair for three years , but now everything is changing without me .. I dont know how to handle this and I dont want to be stuck begging to someone that isnt in love with me .. Just need someone to talk to .. Cause in my position I dont have anyone .. Please help

Wants relief :(

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I've been in that situation and it can be the well start to take a toll on you because you are putting more in it than the other person.the best thing for you is to get out more start your healing process before you get in it deeper and the situation becomes out of your control.

Wants relief :(

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Hi Confused2, I am having the same issue. It is like you are wondering 24/7 what the other person is thinking, what they are doing and who they are with. When you see this person, there is a chemistry type of reaction in your whole body and mind and you feel almost desperate to tell them you are In love with them. It is probably difficult for you to resist having a serious talk with them but you also know that perhaps that conversation might not go well. Am I right about these things? I think you simply have to accept that this person might not be IN LOVE with you but that does not mean that he/she does not love you and care deeply for you. I have dealt with this by telling myself I would rather have him for a friend for life rather that a relationship that would probably not work for life and could end badly. I bet you would be devastated if you both could not be caring friends for life. Also, you never know, they could change their mind about you OR you could change your mind about them? Do you or have you had any sexual contact? Even though in my case I have been told that he does not want a relationship with anyone, including me, we still have engaged in some sexual activity, which just prolongs and revives the "Hope" I was hanging onto and it is like taking a step backward in accepting the fact that he has stated the facts. In your case and in mine, I would rather have a person be honest and tell the truth rather than lead me on. We have decided (again) that we can not have any sexual activity. He says he wants to be free to see other people and be free but I know he cares so much for me and that is a good thing. It still hurts to know he does not want to have more with me. We are far apart in age and there are barriers in that respect. I hope this helped.

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