Grades determines your future life?

ANONYMOUS997 - Oct 19 2013 at 13:33
I just got my midterm report card, and the scores weren't that great. First of all, I have to say that I like video games, and that's pretty much what I do daily. Noticing that my scores weren't as perfect as my parents thought it would be, they blame me for having those bad scores because of my habit of playing video games. They asked me whether can I stop playing video games or not, I told them that I can't, and they can't do anything about it. Instead of understanding what I just told them, they proceed to yell at me, they told me that if I don't have good grades, I will never achieve anything in life. They told me that if I can't stop playing video games, they will just put me out of school. They told me to choose between video games or school. I didn't answer them. How could you tell your kid to choose between those two thing. If I choose school, which I will sure the hell not choose it. I'll be a mindless zombie, a robot, studying all day and all night. Sure I'll have good grades, in term of social life ? what about life itself ? I will never have a life in just studying. There's no point of learning complicated problems in math, it doesn't, and will never contribute anything for my life later on. Does learning history helps you with your daily activities in life ? No. It's just an information which you know and will never be used unless it's necessary. So dear parents, if you will ever read this, I will never choose to have good grades in return for my personal life.
balancing studies and play will help you,give more time to studies now,more hrs to studies and less to games will please your parents and they wont mind the games and u can do both
As someone who likes video games AND school, I can say that at least part of the blame rests with your parents (don't let them read this?).
By that I mean that their insisting that you do well in school is probably making you hate it. I know that I hate anything my parents tell me to do. That's just life.
If you forget them for a bit, is there anything you do like about school?
Like for me, I was never that strong in Math. But then I discovered Stats and really rocked that. BECAUSE THERE WAS A PURPOSE! Like, we were always getting our hands dirty with real-life problems and that was medicine for my GPA.
I totally agree with you that there needs to be a purpose for these things. But sometimes it's just a matter of asking the teacher, "uh, why do we need to know this?"
Some teachers are only too happy to answer. Most students only want to get As and get out. They don't care about the courses any more than you do. They just play the to speak.
It shouldn't have to be a choice. You can excel at school and still have a life. It sounds like your parents are just ignorant on what video games are, and just want you to stop playing them (without understanding that everyone does exactly what they're told not to do).
Dear Anon;997...
Thank you for opening up- I'll cut to the chase...
A life of all work and no play sucks, right? You feel like studying and doing well in school is just that, huh?
To be honest, it can be... ONLY if you THINK of it that way. I'm sure your parents don't expect you to study twenty-four seven, however, they may expect you to now after seeing your report card.
Your lack of having a balance has showed your parents that you still lack maturity and need more discipline. If your parents allowed you to play video games all that time means they did have trust and faith that you could make time for school work and keep up with your grades.
You said you want a social life- I didn't know you could have a social life sitting at home in your room playing XBOX or PlayStation. I thought with a social life you actually went out and DID something recreational...
I don't know how old you are, but learning history and culture does make you more well rounded. It actually helps you socially. Many times in my college classes we would talk about assignments we had in high school, and about books we had to read.
High school is all about planning for the future... What college am I getting into? What major do I want, or course of study I want to be in. Not planning on anything will leave you at a part- time job, most likely with no benefits, and most likely still with your parents if not struggling trying to share rent payments with a friend.
That is what HUMAN nature is all about! Everyone needs a purpose in life or need to strive for something. You may not know what you want to do in your future now, and that's OK.
First things first, is showing you can be responsible! This will get your folks off your back; take that D to a C. Even if you passed this school year with straight B's or C's- at least you can say (and your folks) that you passed. WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Know that when you don't succeed in something, sometimes parents take it as it being THEIR OWN FAILURES. They must feel like they aren't instructing or guiding you enough to have the right set of priorities.
Good Luck- and stay in school!