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Problem friend who is annoying

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hey im only 13 and i have in increasingly annoying problem. you see ive just begun year 7 my first yr of high scool and i have an old friend who is in yr 8 and is fully obsessed with me she wont let me make any new friends at high school and has constantly threatended anyone i talk to ... she doesnt even go to the same school as me but constantly calls the kids from my class warning them not to let me go to their place and i can stand it no longer please help me im a poor annoyed threatened aussie 13 yr old and i need your help before i asplode!!!!

Problem friend who is annoying

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Don't stand for this Stewie... you need to tell her to back down and don't be so selfish. Tell her that you're finding it difficult to integrate with other people in your school because of what she is doing, and that you will have to break off your friendship with her if she continues to do this. Tell her that you are entitled to make new friends in school, and that what she is doing is immature. Try and think about what position she is in, that is causing her to do this to you. Are you her only friend perhaps, and this is why she is desparately trying to keep hold of you and have you as her exlusive friend? Tell her that she needs to make some new friends in her class / grade, and that this would be a good thing for both of you. Maybe even open up a bit yourself and invite her to come out with your other friends as well, so that she feels like part of your social circle. Let us know your thoughts on this - does any of this make any sense in your current situation?

Problem friend who is annoying

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first how is she getting all the information on your daily activities at school?second was she ever considered your girlfriend? third have you considered talking to your parents? i know parents may not know everything at your age but this is pretty close to stalking. and yes have you truely stood up to her? at this point every one needs to know how you feel this is a tough age and you should be haveing a lot of good times not hiding. if she doesnt listen then you may need the help from grown ups like your parents to assit you

Problem friend who is annoying

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thankyou the dude and ladibug your advice is very very useful:D yes, the dude that does make some sense to me however i have told my parents about the situation but her manipulation is huge shs practically trying to make me hate my own parents and is constantly bagging them out ive told her to stop following me once before but it made matters worse she wanted to spend more time with me so that i liked mher more... im not sure if its time to start being harsh or not... and ladibug, people have , not to my knowlege assumed she was my girlfriend..but yet again THANKYOU so much are you guys older coz your response is very intelligent aside from all the other advice ive gotten such as \"just give her one to the head\" etc etc... so thankyou if you have ANY more advice for me please continue posting:P thankyou ive really appreciated this:P

Problem friend who is annoying

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Hi again - yes, I am 28 years old, so probably have a different view on this kind of behaviour than your mates. Have you decided what to do yet? She sounds like a bit of a bunny boiler if you ask me! Maybe never know what her next move is going to be I guess ?!?

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