Fighting with family and parents???

JENN1997 - Oct 27 2013 at 09:58
I am 16 years old, and my parents have taken everything off of me. My Phone, IPod, everything. My Mum has made these "New Rules" and they are: (1). I am not allowed out with friends after 9pm. (2). I am not allowed in the pantry or the fridge without their permission (3). My room MUST be kept clean at all times. As you can see already my parents are stupidly strict and I hate it. So I guess if this is their definition of treating me like an "adult" then I am so sorry but adults stay up late, they stay out after 9pm and sometimes later. It is annoying. I have been strongly thinking of suicide these past 2 days.
as a teenager i had even more strict rules than you.Teens always feel that its wrong but it will benefit a little discipline
Dont worry, I had strict parents they always had control over me, even at age 21! But once you leave home or go to uni you can do what you want, live your own life! Just put up with it, its sad but eventually it gets better.
The first thing that I want to say is try to avoid thinking these bad thoughts so quickly.
I think you should first of all try to talk to your parents and try to reason with them. Say you are old enough to look after yourself and have freedom and promise to be responsible, sensible and careful. You should actually try to be this as well rather than just pretending. Say all these are rules are not normal, other parents don't do this to their children.
If your parents don't listen, its not the end of the world. Exact your 'revenge' on them by following and establishing your own ways and beliefs(the good ones) when you can. And you will have plenty of opportunities to. You have school or college and you at least can stay out until nine. You can join clubs. You can start a job or start thinking about one. You might then have to be out after nine, at a club or at work. Once you start working, you can use the money to buy whatever you want and you can start thinking about moving out. It will be your escape route.
I want to say though that I believe that you should always maintain at least an element of respect for your parents, no matter how deluded they are. The reasons for this are obvious: they are the reason for your existence, they looked after you, fed you, clothed you, protected you, when you were totally helpless and after that as well. So try your best to stay on good terms with them.
As for the third rule, I think its a great idea!!! Make it into your own rule. Its always good to be clean and tidy.
Good Luck!!!