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Should I try again?

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I dated my best friends brother around 4 years ago and it ended bad (because of his reaction, he hit the alcohol bad) we started seeing each other again in secerat the begging of the year and I fell back in love with him so we made our relationship known to our friends and family. Things where going perfect there was even talk of children moving in together then out of the blue he just turned started drinking and being really nasty to me sending me loads of abuceive txt saying I'm not enough then apologising saying it was the drink talk and this went on for over a week nasty then nice sober then drunk!!! I no I love him but don't no if I could ever forget the things he has said to me to be able to give it another go!!! I believe in a second chance but is anyone worth a 3rd 4th or even 5th chance??????

Should I try again?

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Lilly: Alcohol abuse is no excuse. I too had issues when I drank too much. I said regretful things to my wife and lost my temper a few times. I never hit her and it was never her fault. I had realized that I could never be that way again and if I could not drink responsibly then I cannot drink at all. You MUST have a discussion with him and help realize that this is a serious problem. If he really loves you then he will do the right thing and get help if he cannot do it on his own. If not, you have to do the right thing and end it.

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