Do I just give up?
OVERWHELMED - Oct 31 2013 at 02:00
To say I'm hacked off is an understatement, my husband is the problem!!! He spends more time playing on his phone, some stupid game, than he does talking to me. The most I have had from him in the last three days is around 5 sentences!! He is all loving and caring while we are away (not long back from Caribbean) but every bloody time he slips back into being a dick. He posts regularly on fb and twitter to his work mates, yet he can barely say goodnight when he eventually comes to bed. What is the point? Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I am someone who was not aware of distance I put between myself and my wife due to various distraction. It has been a painful lesson. You need to stress the fact that communication is extremely important. Plan your days so that there is time alloted for everything. It is no different then it would be with kids. There has to be limits. If he cannot agree to play the game and do the computer stuff within a set block of time leaving sufficient time for one another then let him know that on the next vacation you are going alone. Good Luck!
I have to say that is pretty bad, for me reading this is just horrible. I walk around the streets looking at people who just bump into me with their noses stuck in their phones, not even realizing there is a world out there. You obviously need something and you know that and you need to talk to him that this is not working for you. I would never treat my other half like she doesn't exist anymore, but quite frankly I feel I am getting that treatment now. He is focusing on the wrong things and you need to talk about it, no excuses.
text him every time you want his attention or you need to let him know something, when he wants sex offer cyber sex sounds funny if it was not so serious, just look around in cafes, parks, transport, tea room at work, everyone is busy with their tablets or phone? even I communicate more with my kids via social media, I actually announced my marriage to them via email to be sure I had their attention. Good luck with this it is an addiction, thank god my new husband is not interested in social media or texting unless it is really quick and for a purpose, and the only time I use it is like now when I am by myself otherwise I prefer face to face contact. Like everything there is moderation, I find it is interesting and abit fun but when I am with someone I am present and all electronic devices are switched off.