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Separation / Christmas arrangments

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Good morning, I am hoping to get some advice pls...anyone in the same boat? This is going to be our first Christmas since I separated with my is all very amicable between us and he would like to join us. Is this a good idea or will it confuse the kids especially as they all found it very difficult at the beginning but now seem very settled and grounded. Thanks for taking the time to read this

Separation / Christmas arrangments

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Good that y'all get along..but there's a reason why u split...sounds like strings attached..if ur gna should be clean as this will confuse not only children but every one concerned. As a man. I might take this as an invitation back in the relationship...stay can walk better that way! best

Separation / Christmas arrangments

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I get on well with my ex but have never played happy families for the sake of the kids, it is confusing and eventually when you meet someone it becomes sometimes awkward not just for yourselves but other family members. I am finding this situation with my new husband , he used to go along to all the events before he met me with his family, and now the ex wife has turned nasty and the situation is no longer viable, their are all adults but are upset that they will no longer have their mother and father together at xmas, however my children are happy celebrating with my now husband and then as always go and celebrate with their father's family. You are separated for a reason, let it go, and create a new way of celebrations for yourself and your family and he can do the same with his.

Separation / Christmas arrangments

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it will be better for the kids if you kept things separate... it will just confuse them and it may lead to them being hurt again. Keep things separate and the kids will get used to having two Christmases, two birthdays etc... that is how things are with me and my ex and the kids are fully aware of how things stand and do not get confused. good luck..

Separation / Christmas arrangments

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Thank you all for your replies ...and I will be doing Christmas separately...Have a wonderful Christmas too!

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