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One night stand

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I got really drunk on Sunday and had a one night stand. I have a partner and three children and have had a few problems recently so my relationship is quite rocky, but I feel really guilty. I think he knows but has no proof. I am just scared that someone has seen me and will tell him. I do love my partner but there is no passion there and I feel very confused. I tried to talk to him but nothing has changed.

One night stand

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firstly, why did you cheat..were u looking for affection in someone elses arms wen really u needed the affection from ur partner? is there really any chance anyone has seen u? it sounds as though there is a serious lack of passion there, which is very important in a relationship, if its something that u need. do you really want things to work out with ur partner? if you do, sit down and talk to him and be brutally honest - say u dont understand why he isnt being passionate - try and get to the root of the problem, tell him that there needs to be changes.. even say you will change anything too so its not all put on him.. but do u love ur partner, or are u IN love with him. try and work out wot u really want and go from there. even write it all down how u feel..u can always throw the piece of paper away. on another hard as it is, put the one night stand behind u, it will just eat u up. i know ppl say honesty is the best policy..but i think sometimes ignorance is bliss - as long as u know it wont happen wen u next get drunk.. try and block it out and think of it purely as a wake up call, u deciding what u want from ur life..this person u had a one nite stand with is meaningless..dont beat urself up over it. focus on u and ur family, put al that negative and guilty energy into something positive. You can do it..Good luck!

One night stand

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hi,how long have u been with ur partner,y has the passion gone r u bored, do u go out as a couple people do unusual things when the drinks in can u live with the guilt if so u must try and put it behind you and move on do u love him?can u have a nite out together with no kids for the night and see if the passion is still there as they say honesty is best but wot will it achieve would he forgive you would he have his revenge ,u have to think of these things and work out whats best for you and your family .

One night stand

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Hi, I was in more or less the same situation a few years ago. My marriage was at rock bottom and my Husband and i were arguing all the time. I told him but and after a lot of hurt, tears, pain, arguing etc., we managed to sort things out. It has been a very difficult few years though and though things improved greatly we are now having problems again but they are complicated by the past events. My advice is don't tell him. Learn to live with the guilt but do whatever you can to patch up your relationship or leave.

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