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Girlfriend... clubbing, faithful? jealous?

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Im really just looking for advice and other peoples point of view. I have my own, not sure because I am emotionally involved, if my judgement is somewhat clouded. . Both me and my Girlfriend are 30, been seeing each other for 6 months now, we dont live together. She loves to party and goes out every weekend with her girlfriends, clubbing. I am more of a stay at home sort of guy, even thought I enjoy going for a few beers and watching the football on a sunday afternoon. I would occassionally 'go out' maybe once a month, as clubbing isnt really my scene, never has been. . We are both very loving to each other, we show our affection all the time and the relationship is going very well (we have talked about moving in together, holidays next year and even our wants for children, neither of us has any) . The relationship is going pretty well, until, in my eyes every saturday night, when she seems to turn into a completely different person. Now i respect her wanting to go clubbing. I have raised my issues in an adult manner with her. My issues are relatively normal and they are; . 1. Dancing with other men (she says she doesnt, only with male friends, and nothing 'inappropriate') 2. Flirting with other guys (she says she doesnt do this, only talks to them, but i know she is a natural born flirt) 3. Accepting drinks from men (She doesnt do this either) 4. Getting drunk to the point, where she might be taken advantage of, hurt herself, or somebody else hurts her. 5. And finally, am I gonna say it - cheating (I do trust her 100%, sober, but given the right circumstances, low self esteem, weak will power at any given moment, guys hitting on her, male attention etc etc... all fuelled by booze, could you really trust anyone 100%??? . So we have set boundaries, all of the above is off limits, if she wants to be with me, I dont want a relationship where my girlfriend is doing any of this, nothing wrong with not wanting that is there? Anyway, she has agreed to this and I am happy for her to go on her 'girls nights out' every weekend. . This all brings me onto the point i am trying to gain an answer too. This happened last night. I am wondering if she is immature, unbalanced, jealous, up to anything or if I am just being paranoid. . The following is what our txt conversations were last night, whilst she was out. Now I knew she was going out and didnt give her any grief about it what so ever. I was supportive. She told me she was going out with her friends, they were starting to drink at a friends then head out locally and it wasnt going to be a late one. The place they were going shut at 1am. . 19.09pm (Her) Thinking of you 19.19pm (Me) Thinking of you too huni 19.32pm (Her) xxxxx 21.29pm (Me) Hope your having a good night 21.35pm (Her) It ok..I not 4gotten your pic (She was sending me a pic of her) 21.38pm (Her) I'm 100% sober right now 21.54pm (Me) Right now? :P whenever your ready with the pic :) 21.55pm (Her) (She sent the pic) 21.55pm (Me) You look lovely ;) 21.57pm (Her) I downed a vodie an coke and now on cider lol 21.59pm (Her) Can I tell you something 22.38pm (Her) Your very quiet, what you up too? 23.35pm (Me) Am watching a film with (Male friend) you can tell me anything 23.36pm (Her) It ok dont matter 23.38pm (Me) :( dont be like that 23.39pm (Her) Im not being off... 23.49pm (Her) What are you watching 00.07am (Me) In the name of the father 00.08am (Her) Not heard of it 01.02am (Me) Not a bad film, about the troubles in Nothern Ireland 01.09am (Her) A gud night? 01.12am (Her) This is awkward 01.32am (Her) Why arent you speaking to me 01.40am (Me) Im not, not speaking, listening to a few tunes on youtube 01.56am (Her) Thats good 02.11am (Me) You head in Falkirk? (Meaning clubbing not the original plan but that doesnt matter too much) 02.22am (Her) Unfortunately 02.26am (Me) lol stop your complaining you! 02.45am (Her) How am I Complaining? 02.55am (Me) You said 'unfortunately' :p 04.30am (Me) xxxx 11.10am (Her) Morning... . Now I know she was out until 5.30am, as was spoke later that day and she told me. Did I do anything wrong in that conversation that would lead her to think I was being 'off' with her? Is there anything that seems a little bit odd to anyone in that whole conversation or with the time frame, either on my part or hers, and what is everybodys take on it? This is pretty much how it goes every weekend. She txts and txts, if i dont reply i think shes being funny with me, and when i am replying at a certain point in the night, she goes completely silent then i always get a 'morning' txt. I dont think for one second she has had sex with anyone. Im 100% sure about that, but the other points I brought up with her do cross my mind. Thank you for reading

Girlfriend... clubbing, faithful? jealous?

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I honestly think that when in a relationship, clubbing every weekend with the girls is not appropriate. Yes, she has the right to enjoy it, but every weekend? Maybe you could come to some kind of compromise? As for the texting? I dont feel as though you were "off" at all. She's the one going out all the time. Maybe she's checking up on you? Maybe because she's up to no good so she's paranoid about what you are doing? Dont forget... she's drinking so she's not thinking completly straight. I am a 38 year old women. Take it from me. When we are out we flirt. Just the way it is. I think going out to a club every weekend will only lead to problems... alcohol, other men, dancing... just a matter of time. Come to a compromise sooner rahter then later.

Girlfriend... clubbing, faithful? jealous?

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Hi Well from my experience when a woman is out and acts weird like this (bc the truth is she is acting weird asking you if there is anything wrong etc), she may be up to something. I cant be sure about that but her whole behaviour is not normal. Also she is 30 years old, not 20, so i honestly dont understand the every weekend clubbing thing! She is having a relatively new relationship with a guy so she should want to spend time with him and not wanting to go to stupid clubs every single weekend. Also does she ever ask you to join her? That would be normal. Couples enjoy going out together. Of course I understand if occasionally there will be times that she will go out by herself with her gilrfriends, but to do so every single weekend does not sound normal to me. I am a woman in a loving relationship and I don't enjoy going out without my boyfriend. But this is me. Anyway my advice would be to discuss it with her, and as someone else said reach a compromise. You should both do the things you enjoy but without creating insecurities to one another or neglecting one another. I hope this helps.

Girlfriend... clubbing, faithful? jealous?

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My ex-girlfriend and I had the exact same situation. She would go clubbing every weekend just as yours would and I would prefer to have a more low-key night with friends or myself at home. I had the same concerns with her being around other guys although I'm 99% certain that she would never cheat on me. We shared similar text conversations at night as you two and from my experience it's simply her trying to be in touch with you even though she chooses to not physically be there with you. The problem is that this continues every weekend. Is this how you imagine a healthy relationship to be? A woman at 30 who chooses to do this weekend after weekend is not someone who's gonna suddenly come to the point where she wants to spend quiet weekends with you. You have to face it that you're totally different people with different interests. You might say it's just a weekend thing but the weekend is one of the only free times that you can choose to do what you want to do. And you guys both constantly choose the opposite thing.

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