Are these bad signs?

INDY - Nov 13 2013 at 15:06
I have a GF who is very insecure. She told me that she didn't feel ready for a relationship before we met because of her issues and then she met me and thought because she could trust me, she could be with me and deal with her issues. Long story short, I am getting hints she's scared because she tells me that she doesn't deserve me and that she loves me so much its scary and she's worried that she has shown too much to me (eg crying a few times in front of me). I feel her pulling away now a little bit as well.
What's she thinking? What can I do?
Your GF's insecurity is telling her that you are going to dump her because she is no good. So she gets out first before you can dump her, thinking it will hurt less if she leaves before you lay it on her that you want out. She is terrified of being rejected or abandoned, something that probably happened to her in childhood and she can't shake it. If you really want to keep her, help her discover the real source of her insecurity (probably Mum or Dad) and work through and heal it.
I agree she Is scared and mentally scared from something or someone
That will mess up your relationship. Her insecurities need to be dealt with. If you want a future with this lady then you have to help her through this and be there for her. But if your not an expert, then your going to need help (i.e therapist, church leader, etc.). She needs help because you cant carry on her burdens and yours for the rest of your life.