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Help with GF

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My GF analyses everything and I don't know what to do. If I send her a romantic message she will ask me why I am saying nice things to her. Yesterday, she said that she feels like I don't want her to meet my friends and it's frustrating because nothing could be further from the truth. If I make a joke about something, she'll get very defensive. She told me that I am the first guy to really be good in bed and this is important to me and we talked about it like a couple. A little while later, I made an innocent joke about it and she got angry. I feel like I have to be careful about what I say. If I am meeting my (female) friends, she refers to them as bith#es. If she's being quiet and distant and I ask her what's wrong, she gets annoyed and tells me not to ask because I know that she's not a happy person. She said before that I seem too good to be true so if something looks wrong, she jumps on it. What can I do?

Help with GF

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That really sucks man. I got on the same website you did b/c my relationship has issues also. First and don't get deffensive or take this the wrong way, but no matter what a woman tells you, you should NEVER and I mean NEVER make jokes about the sex you guys do or don't have. Wether your poking fun at an old girl or boyfriend. I don't know what the remark was, but ya just can't do it. So don't ever joke about that in any kind of way wether itz something you or she did in bed or whatever. Second it is obvious your girl has self asteem and self confidence issues. Not being mean or rude just saying. I think all woman have this to a degree. Sometimes she is wondering why your being nice because maybe she herself has something to hide. Maybe you lied about something big or small in the past. Or maybe she's just being a bitch which we definitley aren't ruling out. Also even if she sai d you are the best sex she's ever had. Dont ever throw that back at her or even bring it up sure that's a huge ego boost, but don't let that show in any way shape or form or that is very much a douche bag thing to do. If she isn't happy find out why. Ppl aren't just miserable ppl for no reason. Also if you aren't wanting her to meet your friends then you need to look at the motives behind that. Is it that she just hasn't met them or are you secretly not wanting this to happen. If so then why??? Feel free to hit me back if you want. If not that's fine too.

Help with GF

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Also why are you out with other girls?? Even if they are just friends if yoy are in a real committed relationship, you aren't just gonna leave your chick at home to go hang out with other girls. If so it means deep down you aren't really that serious about her. How would you feel if she said see ya honey om going to go hang out with mark for a while. Ill be back later. Say that wouldn't bother you and mean it.......exactly.

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