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Ex-GF contacting me

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I have posted here befroe about my depressed GF. My GF and I broke up because she was so insecure and she told me that she needed time to be alone and be by herself so she could heal. I believe her because she has a lot of problems. But now it's annoying because she is contacting me on Facebook, like she is suggesting I like certain pages on Facebook. You have to choose who to send that too and I would rather she spoke to me properly rather than through things like this. Why is she doing this?

Ex-GF contacting me

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you need to tell her that what u wrote that she should talk face to face its better than facebook

Ex-GF contacting me

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You sound like you care for her, so maybe you should express your concerns to her. If I were you, I would take the suggestions as just that, suggestions. You don't have to do anything, but since your so annoyed you can either talk to her about it or just tell her nicely that she needs to not tell you what to do or the last option, grab the strength form somewhere to not let it get under your skin. Truly, it depends on the person you are, how you want to handle it, and your temperament.

Ex-GF contacting me

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Communication is healthy in a relationship, so you need to let her know how you feel. She is your GF. I agree with the face to face suggestion from above as well. You guys need to talk in person.

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