The deadly silent treatment

LUV - Nov 23 2013 at 18:31
Last Friday night, I caught my boyfriend of almost 3yrs spying on/stalking me in my bedroom window. I was on the phone with my cousin and when I saw him he had his ears glued to the window in attempts to listen my conversation. When he saw me looking at him he had this embarrassed look on his face. I asked what he was doing and why he didnt let me know he was out there. He said he came to see what I usually do and that I wasnt supposed to see him. He kept dodging certain questions I was asking then presumably got angry and walked out on me while I was speaking. I thought that was disrespectful thus I decided not to contact him until I received an apology, but, he is a master at the silent treatment thus kept it up. On Thursday I sent him a Facebook message saying "Hope all is well with you!". Today is Saturday and he hasnt "seen" it as yet (or has he). Today I sent him a text "Good morn, Hope all is well with you. Take care and have a great day!". I am yet to receive a text or any acknowledgement. The amount of feelings I've lost is unimaginable. Do you think I gave him the silent treatment also since I refused to break a word at first? What can I do now? wait? P.S We are both 19. He has used the silent treatment before. I am unaware of what I have done this time. I am ready to end it. Why do you think he is acting this way?
I think you probably should. He was caught red handed in the wrong. The fact that he was spying on you after 3yrs doesn't preclude the fact that he may have done so in the past. the excuse of "he came to see what you usually do." after 3yrs? really? Unless your in a long distance relationship its a poor excuse to hide a very long story that he does not want to divulge. I support this theory with the fact that all the negative emotions of hate and anger and what not, all come down to fear. They are covers for fear. So he fears something. The mere fact that he hasn't responded to you for so long only strengths my belief that he doesn't want to tell you he's probably into alot more than just spying and stalking. Just my random opinion.
Break up with him. Violating your privacy and personal space, stalking you, manipulating you, ignoring you... he's only 19. He's going to be a very dangerous abusive man someday. Get out while you can. There's a book, The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker...check it out. You deserve love and respect..
Just keep asking him questions, find out the real answer.
Sounds like he was being perverted to me...
Good luck :)
LUV! hi
heres my email so we can continue our talk!
[e-mail address removed]
OMG Skye!!! I have been longing for your support for days!! :'( I will email you ASAP!!! :D
Hey Skye, can you email me here, [e-mail address removed]
Skye, oh my. use this email instead : [e-mail address removed]