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Girl I really like but very complicated

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Hi kind helpers, my friends live in an off campus house at school. There are 6 guys and 1 girl. I met the girl through the guys since I knew them first. Throughout the semester, I have grown to really like this girl. There have been signs between us that make me think we are perfect together. I want her to be my girlfriend but there are a few obstacles in the way. First, she is currently into girls…not guys. Second, of her 6 housemates, at least 4 of them like her too and all keep it secret (however I do not believe they like her in the way I like her). Lastly, she wants me to help her with advice about her housemates because she does not want anyone to get hurt, but I would be helping as a friend. So I have no clue what to do. I think there could be a way for her to want to be with me too if we see each other everyday and talk about her situation. But if that does not work, then I am going to be the one who gets hurt. But then what if I do connect with her and we start a relationship? Then her housemates who like her will most likely no longer like me. Someone please help me evaluate this situation. It has been twisting me around and making me confused. Do I just stop all pursuance so I have nothing to risk? Thank you in advance.

Girl I really like but very complicated

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Take a chance, ask her out. Yep you might get hurt, but we always regret those missed opportunities that we don't take.

Girl I really like but very complicated

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PIP, I have asked her out. She came to my formal and I have also asked her to other things. It always seems like she thinks it's a friendly gesture. I feel like since she 'declared' she is currently into girls and not guys, she finds it ok to do anything with any guy as if she is like a guy too.

Girl I really like but very complicated

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What do u mean by shes currently into girls? lol u think u should find out first if shes bi or lesbian?! if shes bi ok fine u got a chance if shes lesbian then sorry to burst ur bubble but that dont mean shes 'currently' into girls only it means shes ONLY into girls u cant change someones sexualtiy. Just ask her straight one if shes bi or not and if so tell her u like her alot and see what happens! she can only say no

Girl I really like but very complicated

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I already know she is bisexual. But she currently says she is into girls cause she is somewhat sick of the guys she has been with (i think).

Girl I really like but very complicated

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Can anyone else help with some advice please?

Girl I really like but very complicated

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Just go for it! If she says no she says no. Dont worry about it just ask. Im sure your friends wont fall out with you, especially if they havnt actually said they like her.

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