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I don't know whether to break up

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I am a girl, engaged to a guy who I don't love, desire or respect. I treat him as a friend and nothing more, and when talk of a wedding comes up I immediately change the subject. He has a weak personality and is constantly apologizing for everything. While he is a nice guy, he walks and talks with little confidence whereas I am the exact opposite. We met through families and there was strong encouragement from both families as this is my culture. They threw us a $10,000 engagement party, and now 4 months later I am still turned off by everything he does. My family says love will come in time but I cannot see how as I do not respect him in the least. I have brought it up with him before but you can't change someone's innate personality, right? I know I sound like a bitch but I am just fed up with not being excited about spending the rest of my life with someone who is so kind. Should I leave him or continue trying? Please don't judge me, I am just after advice. Thank you

I don't know whether to break up

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Im really surprised at how similar are problem is...i have been through the same situation, my engagement was purely arranged too and the guy was really kind and sweet but he too lacked a strong personality and our choices were very different...i was also adviced that after marriage everything will b fine but my heart was just not into it...i understand your problem very well and want to give you two advices....firstly tell the guy that you and he are not meant for each other and you cant marry him tell him that you both are not compatible and you wont b happy with him so its better to end it than suffer later....if he has a soft corner for you he will end the engagment himself and no one will know or blame you for ending it...secondly if its nof possible immerse yourself in something that will prevent marriage...for example go for higher studies or get yourself a job and refuse to leave your career....this happened to me when i was seventeen and my in laws wanted the wedding soon they couldent wait very long so i studied hard and got admission in a medical parents understood that medical studies are v.tough and i cant get married until i complete my m.b.b.s so they told my in laws to wait but they couldent wait for 4,5 years and the engagment broke...i hope u get the of luck!

I don't know whether to break up

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On the other hand, you should be so lucky to be with a guy who cares so much for you and is willing to care for you for the rest of your life. Most people believe the grass is greener on the other side until they get over there and realize its not. My advice... Proceed with caution, break off the wedding but not the relationship just yet. If he loves you as much as it seems he will wait. Last but not least, don't make things anymore complicated than they should be by sleeping around. I know find out the hard way as my wife has been doing this for almost 2 years. Just be honest.

I don't know whether to break up

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like Bryon said you should be lucky to have someone to care abt you for the rest of your life. cuz all girls are lucking for that, but all is not about that, cuz you need to feel love to be happy. I am dating that guy since 2010, at first I did not care about him, or love him, now I can tell I fell something different for him. what I am trying to say maybe you guys take the next step to fast you might need some more time to grew-up ur felling for him before you get into that wedding thing. you should be happy in that day enjoy it for the rest of your life. If you don;t feel love for someone you gonna get married to you will never fell anything for him. my advise is continue to trying to love him before u get married, talk to him about some personalities you don\'t like bout him, tell him how you want him to act. so if he love you like you said here, he will be the man you want to see by ur side for the rest of your life girl, trust me cuz i did it with mine. Good luck!!!

I don't know whether to break up

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Be Honest with yourself here TROUBLEDGIRL you really don't want to have to marry this guy and spend the rest of your life with him do you. I think you should break it to him gently and tell him there's just no way it could every work out. And tell your family to mind there own business i have the same problem with my family it's so frustrating.

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